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I walked down the small hallway in our house, only to end on a door. I twisted the handle anf peered in the room, Athena was passed out on her bed a book in hand. I walked in and grabbed the bingo book from her grasp, placed it on the nightstand and kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight baby girl." I whispered and left the room shutting the door lightly. I walked to the living to see Sasuke sitting on the couch, Itachi in his grasp. The one and a half year old was asleep, yet still drinking his milk. "Athena is asleep, good knows what would happen if she heard our conversation."

"Right so back to that, I think we should take her out of the ANBU and place her in the academy. She'll be the same age as everyone who graduates this year." Sasuke spoke his opinion softly, so he wouldn't disturb the sleeping child. "She won't like it, but she needs to interact with people her own age. She's starting to act like me when I was young, expect she doesn't hide it."

Sasuke wrapped his free arm around my shoulder and pulled me close. I adjusted so I was comfortable, and soon enough fell asleep


"Mom? Are you Awake?" I opened my eyes to see I was alone on the couch. I saw Athena looking at me, her lilac emotionless eyes looking at me. Her braided black hair disappearing behind her neck. She bore her usual Anbu attire and the fairytail guild mark was on display. Her guild mark, in black of course, was on her left shoulder, and her ANBU tattoo was on her right.

"I am now." I rolled my eyes and sat up rather quickly. I could smell food, and assumed Sasuke was cooking breakfast. "Good, I'm going to HQ, I don't know when I'll be back."

"Athena, wait. We wanna talk to you after breakfast." She nodded slowly, her eyes never once changing. I stood up and went to the kitchen to see Sasuke cooking with Itachi in his arms. He's not around very much, but since Itachi he's been trying really hard to be around. I've also been busy as of late, especially with the council, it had been almost fifteen years since I was asked to spy on God Serena, and honestly they were still bugging me about it.

"Morning Hail," Sasuke greeted, probably noticing my presence. He turned around and handed me a plate of pancakes. I smiled and kissed his cheek before grabbing another and giving it to Athena.

We sat on the couch, and shortly after Sasuke joined us. "Athena we've been thinking that, maybe, you should take a break from the ANBU black ops."

"What? You can't be serious? I'm a squad captain, I can't just leave the team. I'm the youngest black ops the village has ever had, including Uncle Itachi and Grandpa Kakashi. I can't just leave, what would I do?" Athena explained, her voice becoming defensive. "We think it's best if you join this year's graduating class."

"Why? I already passed the academy when I was five!" She continued to defend herself. "Athena, I understand all of this, however you'd still have ANBU duties just not as many, and you'd make new friends that are your own age. Who knows you might even like being among others."

"I highly doubt it, even ANBU is easy at times, why won't you let me become a wizard saint like you?" I sighed and crossed my arms quite quickly. "I told you to drop that matter, there is still things you don't understand, you're only 12!"

I noticed how frustrated I was starting to get, Sasuke quirked an brow in my direction while Athena just stood there. "Look, being an saint is stressful, and I don't want to put those responsibilities on you, do you understand?"

"What you're mother is saying is that you start the academy tommorow." Sasuke jumped in for me, which I appreciated. "Bu-!"

"No buts, you start tomorrow and thats the end of it!" I shouted, I thought for a split second that she widened her eyes, but honestly I couldn't tell.

"Whatever," She placed her dragon mask on and flashed out of the house. I sat down and ran my hand down my face. "Well that went well."

"Shell understand later that were doing this for her own good." Sasuke tried to comfort but really I could think about was if I was doing the right thing.

Well I guess this is kind of like my rebirth or some shit like that.

The Reapers Reborn!

Coming soon- Mid October!

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