Chapter 18

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"Hailey get ready!" Minato shouted in my direction, a small smirk on his facial features. "We attack on my count!"

As we started rushing for the fat remains, I heard Naruto shout. Minato looked over his shoulder, as did I. There was the torso of Obito, passing and swerving like a snake. His weapons of matter aided him as he attacked Gamakichi. The toad was sent tumbling backward, land on his back.

Obito's hand shot outwards, the black matter swirling into a new shape. But this time it seemed to have momentum, and the acceleration seemed to be heading straight for Naruto's air born body.

"Shit," I cussed, thinking of ways to get myself closer. Before I had time to come up with a counter a dark purple shadow like figure stopped the black matter from advancing any further. It was Sasuke's Susanoo.

I let out an audible breath, I saw Minato caught his as well. Who could blame him really? I regained my composure, but not before Minato and I was sent flying due to a kick in the ribs. I looked to see the culprit, I mean if Obito could have a snake-like torso, it only made sense to have a similar lower body.

I slid across the ground, landing on a rock formation that I may have caused. I stood up, recollecting myself quickly. I had no time to waste, I wiped the blood that dripped from my lip.

I looked back over to the boys, they were standing off with Obito. I looked around for Minato, who happened to be bringing himself to his feet. Sasuke seemed to be talking but with the events from earlier- the beast roaring- it seems I had burst my eardrums slightly.

I watched with steady eyes, waiting for Obito to pounce. I tossed a kunai I had been holding in the direction of Obito, however, I made sure to aim slightly downwards. It landed swiftly, and I could tell Obito was beginning a lunge.

His hands made contact with my two teammates faces. My mind recoiled back to when the same thing happened with Gramps. I dropped the reaming kunai. This could kill them.

I jumped into action, barely even thinking about what I was about to do. I transported myself to the kunai I had just thrown.

With my scythe high over my head I swung, it lodged in Obito's shoulder, but he showed no sign of discomfort. I touched Naruto and Sasuke on the shoulder, teleporting us back to a kunai I had previously dropped.

Minato joined us, teleporting to the kunai as well. I was out of breath, feels like I was running miles to catch up slowly.

I looked at the ground, finding pride that I was able to teleport two people with me. "What is that!?"

I snapped my gaze upwards to see what Naruto was going on about. However, when I did, a part of me wished I never looked. Obito's torso began to expand, much like earlier, it wasn't a pretty site, to say the least.

"We have to take him down while he's still able to control his body." Minato concluded, his glare centered on the snake man. I thought I would only ever call Orochimaru that. A hand made of Obito's skin- no, fibers, whatever you call his flesh- outstretched towards us. A hole appeared in the center, and from the other side, his black matter was shown.

"You don't think that because he's bigger, that maybe there is a slight chance his abilities might be strengthened." I examined, my voice was skeptic, yet held a small dash of curiosity. This only seemed to put the others on edge, probably not the best time to say something like that. He shot a sphere shaped black matter ball, but it went over our heads and hit my previous rock formation.

But before we could celebrate, it sent off a blinding light, and an explosion to go along with it. The area of the explosion seemed to be doing greater damage than before. "Seems my previous question has been answered."

"What was he after?" Naruto questioned, his voice a little rasp. I didn't dare to answer, a sarcastic remark was all they would hear.

"I don't know." Minato answered, his eyes trailing over to the explosion that disappeared. When the dust around Obito dispersed, he was left, half of his body was cut cleanly off.

"He hit himself with his own attack." Sasuke muttered, his eyes never leaving the figure that laid before us. Minato stepped in with an explanation of his own. "His attacked missed, he seems to be barely clinging on to consciousness and the tentails powers. He hasn't been able to grant control over the beast."

"This time I'll get him with the stage three howl. I'll create the opening, you three hit him with your strongest combo!" Minato announced, pulling six kunai from seemingly nowhere. "You sure you don't need help?"

"I think I can handle myself this time," Minato smirked and was about to take off running. "Rin..."

I turned to see the bearer of the voice, it being none other than Obito himself. Who is Rin?

My question remained unanswered as a blood-curdling scream was heard. I dropped to the ground, holding my ears in pain. Just as I was starting to regain my heightened senses. I felt the red substance once ooze out of my sensitive ears. I swear I'll be deaf by the time I'm eighteen.

The scream was painful to the normal ear, so my predicament seemed to be all the more deafening.

The screaming seized, and I saw Minato had scattered the Kunai he was holding. He was executing the jutsu he had explained to me. I looked back at Obito, and for a mere second, I could have sworn that I saw a stray tear roll down Obito's deforming cheek.

"Here I come Obito!"

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