Chapter 27

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The black matter from Obito created a huge ass shield and a strand of DNA like figure as a weapon.

"Nothing you try now will change anything! Look above you, what do you see from the hole at the top!" We all looked up and saw the moon was high in the sky. We were in a deep crater created by our previous fall. "This sword is the sage of six paths divine blade! You can no longer defeat me. Your strong emotions dwell inside it, the soul of the sage of six paths created this world and can easily take it out!"

"I will vanquish all of you no matter how much you resist, the power of the six paths will prevail!" Obito explained, his voice was steady, this was his plan.

"Sasuke. Hailey. Let's focus everything on a single blow, I think we'll only have a small window to strike. Let's not miss it." Kurma let out a prideful roar, we moved much quicker thanks to my enchantments.

Figures jumped down into the crater and landed inside of the ninetails, tails. In each tail held a Rasengan.

Upon entering the chakra a cloak like Naruto's appeared on each of our comrades. This is what leaf ninjas are capable of!

"I'm giving a Rasengan to each of you," Naruto shouted so his voice could be heard. "Use them to blast through and wreck his sheild."

Nine people emerged from the tails and collided with his shield. Naruto, Sasuke and I lunged forward, blasting through the debris of the remain parts of the shield. Our sword going straight for Obito.

Both swords collided, but Obito's began to crumble away bit by nit. Until our sword sliced through half of his stomach. Green spirt like things emerged from him. It was the other tailed beasts chakra.

"Go now!" Naruto shouted as he yelled similar things appeared out of us. I can finally see what Naruto was doing, he was extracting the other tailed beasts from Obito.

Gaara came floating down on his sand his hands extended outwards. "Leave the one tail to me, we were originally connected!"

"Gaara!" Naruto yelled, then Killer B came jumping down.

"We finally found the weakness this is key, you can leave eight'os chakra to me!" B rapped, but it was very good. But of course, I wasn't going to tell him that right now. Naruto's smile only grew, "Nice Octopops!"

Obito was taken aback at the tug of war that was happening between tailed beast chakra. If we get the chakra the tree won't bloom.

The three of us put everything we had into pulling those damned beasts out of Obito.

"Don't underestimate me! My power is equal to the sage of six paths!" Obito screeched, his power became slightly stronger.

Sasuke's created another arm out of Susanoo and pulled harder. The nine leaf ninja came back and also helped.

"You asked for our help, so we're giving it to you until the very end!" Kiba shouted his voice full of hope and determination. I lent a hand by using the wings to pull even harder.

"You guys!" Naruto smiled, but Shikamaru let out a light chuckle. "And that's not all!"

More shinobi from the allied forces jumped down to help, including Minato and other reanimations. Minato created chakra ropes that attached to himself, allowing other shinobi to put forth their efforts as well.

"Alright! On my mark, everyone pulls together hard!" Everyone nodded and got set up, I was ready to fly bitches! "Now! Pull!"

Every ninja pitched in, doing what they could. My body hurt, but this was nothing if it meant that the future would be secure. We seemed to be winning as Obito lost connection with the beast. Everyone fell over and chanted with joy. From the spirits came the tailed beast, and Obito came falling to the ground.

We let our Susanoo dragon Kuruma mode fall and the three of us landed on the ground. All of our breaths were ragged as we panted. I small smile appeared on my face. I connected my scythe to my back as I let my dragon force disperse into the air.

We stood before all the tailed beasts Naruto and Sasuke let out small chuckles, which made me giggle.

"You kept your promise Naruto." The monkey, er, ape thing said with a small chuckle.

"Sure Thing Son!" Naruto saluted like he was in some kind of military procedure. I giggled at his stance and even Sasuke let out the faintest smile. I think it was over, we defeated Obito.

All the beast stated their gratitude towards us, but mostly Naruto. All the while Naruto held a big goofy grin on his face. Sasuke rushed towards Obito, his katana in hand. Naruto chased after him, calling him out and telling him to wait up.

"Sorry fellas those two are idiots!" I apologized to the beast as I raced off after them. Sasuke looked ready with the intent to kill.

I ran as fast as I could, which wasn't very fast due to the fatigue my body was going through. I was gaining on Naruto with not much speed.

"Sasuke Wait!" Naruto called out from besdie me, his pace keeping steady, I could tell he was battling with fatigue as well.

I watched as a vortex like thing appeared above Obito. Sasuke stopped in his tracks and abrutly may I add. So abruut that I slammed into his back as he stopped.

"Sorry." I muttered, I looked up from over Uchiha's shoulder to see what was happening. A familiar scent flooded my nostirls. No way, I watched out of curiousty on my tippy toes, mostly so I could see over Sasuke.

From the vortex thing emerged an all to familar person.

The Reapers Resolve (Naruto X Fairytail)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang