1. Eviyo

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I couldn't recall sleeping in the mud but that's where I found myself in the middle of the night

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I couldn't recall sleeping in the mud but that's where I found myself in the middle of the night. My talent for unknowingly traveling to another world was getting out of hand. Where was I now?

I looked around and found myself in a vast open land. I got up with some difficulty and cringed when the shirt stuck to my back. Slowly meandering from one puddle to another, I reached the clean ground and sighed.

Out of curiosity, I made my way toward the only blue light in the distance. I gasped when I saw an otherwise clear stone on the ground radiating lightning like light reaching toward the black skies and disappearing.

It was not the first time I came across such a magical thing. I've been to many worlds whose essence was more magical than me. But I never took such rarities with me back to my world because as inherent the knowledge of the universe was within me, I was also bound by restrictions. I couldn't take the otherworldly things with me or it might upset a balance.

And so I watched it for a little longer and slowly opened a portal to my bedroom. With a last look at this unfamiliar world, I stepped into the portal and walked to my unmade bed.

The white sun was shining happily through the window above my bed and I yawned. Feeling tired, I slipped inside the quilt and closed my eyes for how long nature allowed me to sleep.

After ten minutes, I was nudged awake by my body. I slid the window open and breathed in deep the minty scent of the green lake. Feeling a little adventurous, I put my foot on the window sill and prepared myself for a quick dip. But the door to my room opened and I groaned out loud.

Vonome, my watcher, looked at me and raised a brow. I shut the window and went to greet him by kissing his cheek. My six-foot self had to tiptoe to reach his six-foot-six-inch height.

His kind eyes smiled at me and returned a peck on my forehead.

"What have I told you about dipping first thing in the morning, Eviyo?" He firmly asked.

I pursed my lips and cross-questioned, "How many times have I asked you to join me in this exciting endeavor?"

He frowned and I sighed, "Okay, just like today, it won't happen again."

He smiled and said, "You've to get ready fast to meet the king. He's waiting for you. Be quick." With that order, he turned and closed the door.

The king had been showing up a lot lately. Sometimes just for the first meal, other times for an evening walk. It was hard to say no to him when he insisted way too much. It was uncomfortable but I also felt weirdly comfortable in his silent presence.

My watcher was the royal sentinel of the king and he had nurtured me till now. I had been in the king's presence since childhood but I never talked to him. He never tried to talk to me as well. But he sure looked at me a lot when he thought I wasn't paying attention.

It was all confusing and intimidating, to say the least. But since it was asked of me to share the first meal with him, I agreed to it because of Vonome.

Getting dressed in plain black t-shirt and pant, I hand combed my brown wet locks and checked out myself in the mirror once. My grey eyes were surrounded by thick dark grey eyelashes and my peachy lips added a little color to my pale face.

I frowned at the impending silent meal and wondered if this was going to be a regular occurrence in my life from now on. If so, I've millions of worlds to look forward to because very soon I would escape to one during this time. And then I would see how the king would take to my absence.

His ordering won't work on me for too long. That's for sure.


Disclaimer:- This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Also, I DO NOT own this book cover. (Source- Pinterest)

WARNING:- This story contains explicit love scenes and adult language. (18+)

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