Red Hood x Demon!Reader

Start from the beginning


"Jason Peter Todd enough!" I said moving away from him. He was shocked that I raised my voice at him. I've never yelled at him before. Also I made the glass mug break when I screamed.

"Sorry I tried." He sassed. His go to defense mechanism. I sighed and cleaned up the glass on the floor. I turned around and put on my jacket and tossed him his.

"You wanted to go outside right. Now seems like a good time." I said before unlocking the door. He put on his jacket and rushed outside. He smiled being outside. We walked in awkward silence to the park. I felt bad but that memory is horrible. It's the memory of me being burned alive in my house with the people in my house chanting 'die witch'. That's how I died. I was locked in my burning house. Once we got to the park he took a deep breath and smiled.

"Jason I didn't mean to snap at you earlier. Remember I'm dead. I just don't see the world the same way you do. It's a horrible place." I apologized. He took my hand and helped me up a tree. We climbed to the top and we could easily see the sun set.

"Not all of it is bad." He said still holding my hand. I felt heat rise to my cheeks so I let go and climbed down. Jason following shortly after me. We walked around the park until it got dark and found it hard to see.

"We should head back." He said. I nodded. We walked along the path before stopping under a lamp when I sensed other demons.

"Jason stay behind me." I said turning around only to find him gone. I looked around before I saw him with the demons. Well more as a prisoner.

"What are you doing with this hunk?" The girl asked.

"Orders to keep him safe." I said crossing my arms.

"Well we were sent to take him off your hands." She said using a knife to slice his cheek drawing a little blood.

"I wasn't informed of this. I have orders from the King of Hell. Now I want my prisoner back." I said annoyed. One of the guys she's with pushed him in front of me but there was a demon possessing him.

"And you get out of him." I said smacking the back of Jason's head. The demon left obviously angry.

"Remember when the order comes to kill him we all have to follow orders." She sneered. I nodded and they left.

"What did they mean by that? You'll kill me if you're ordered to?!" He screamed at me. I sighed.

"Jason I have protected you and kept you safe for over a year. I'm not going to kill you or let another demon take care of you as long as I'm here. Ok?" I said smiling. Yes I actually smiled. I didn't know those muscles even still worked. He nodded and hugged me.

"You actually smiled. I knew you cared about me." He said backing away. I laughed and then gasped in surprise when he put me on his shoulders.

"Come on let's head back." He said walking with me in his shoulders. I laughed and messed up his hair.

"You know you have a beautiful laugh." He said making me smile. He is an amazing human. Better than most I've met ever.

"Just don't drop me." I said trying to cover up my embarrassment. He laughed and kept walking. When we got to the motel he dropped me on my bed. I laughed as I bounced on the bed. He laid down next to me and cuddled up next to me.

"Jay what are you doing?" I asked turning my head to look at him. He just brought me closer to him.

"I'm tired." He said and I just left it at that. As a demon I don't need sleep but it's relaxing to turn your mind off so I went to sleep.

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