Chapter 9 Bad Moon Rising

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She hums in understanding 'Thought so. Here, drink this.' She offers you a glass full of water and a few weird looking tablets.

Eyeing them curiously, you raise an eyebrow 'Are they going to kill me?'

She nods 'No.'

'Too bad then.' Taking them from her hands, you spend no time downing them in one go, mimicking her in staring off into the distance like you're contemplating the meaning of life 'When are your friends going to come?' there is a certain irony and bitterness in the way your say 'friends' but let's be honest here, they'll all probably stabity-stab one another the first chance they'd get.

Kate doesn't dignify your tone with a response 'Any minute now. Though I've got to warn you, not to throw any temper-tantrums around them; they're less tolerant and I just cleaned the walls from last time. So if you can avoid them, think they're the Plague.'

'Afraid I'll catch the crazies?' you bark out in humorless chuckle.

'Disembowelment's never a fun process.' She warns calmly, her white mask turning and her eyes nailing themselves on you insistently, piercing through your meat suit and reaching all the way down to your dead and cold soul, unnerving it to no ends and actually forcing you to lean away from her just a bit, pulling the glass towards you like it's a protective weapon of mass destruction; it kills with the power of cleanness.

'I'll sure try.'

'I sure hope so.' she shakes her head.

Another lighting shakes the ground and the spitting sound of trees being cut in half erupts through the forest, with the wind carrying the smell of burnt wood to our nostrils; this poor tree must have been close enough to you huh? When is this weather going to end?

Absorbed into your thoughts, both you and Kate enjoy the calming embrace of not talking, as you down a bit more of the water, wondering when your life became complete and utter shit...

A loud popping sound comes from behind you out of nowhere, and in the few seconds it takes you to turn around and see which motherfucker closed the door that hard, you notice waves and waves of vapor slithering their way off the stairs and into the grass and for a split second, you seriously think: who the fuck's vaping?

Alas, before the moment even passes, long and cold sharp objects make their way into the back of your blouse, grabbing an iron vise of it and next thing you know, you are being pulled upwards like you weighted nothing. Hands still clutching onto the mug, your (e/c) orbs widen with surprise and your mouth half-opens, yet your vocal cords are still too bruised to produce any kind of coherent or loud noise, as your tired muscles allow you to be pulled like some ragdoll with no volition of its own. Thus raw fear courses through your veins, rendering you completely immovable as your legs detach from the ground as well, and you find yourself dangling off the ground for a good inch and a half. Too dazed to do anything, too scared to even dare look at what the fuck is going on.

From the corner of your eyes, you can see Kate jump to her feet and her voice reaches you as if through water, when all you pretty much hear is the ragged breath of something animalistic.

Dude, eat a mint or something, your breath smells like dea-

Turning to see who the fuck has pulled you up, you already find two grey eyes looking at you, matching with a huge grin that sports shark-like teeth.

Well slap you in the ass and call you Mary, you are pretty much staring upon a monochrome Pennywise and the longer you stare the more you can actually feel your life decreasing with each passing second. Whatever the hell this demon is, from whichever level of hell he was spewed out of, he has no color upon him whatsoever. He is completely monochromatic and his mere presence is enough to dim down all other colors around you as well. His skin is paper white, his lips and hair so black they can pretty much go up against any emo you can think off. He is enormous, easily 9.8 feet, and he is literally absorbing the mere light that surrounds him, turning it into an ominous black miasma coming off of him in steady waves that make you feel sick and dirty. His hair is a disheveled mop, ragged and protruding towards any possible direction, the spot where his nose must have been has been altered into a black and white cone, while his attire is that of a monochrome clown from whatever century nightmares come from, and his stomach is covered by bandages. Both hands sport huge menacing claws ready to slash through flesh like a hungry kid left alone with cake and-

Lie To Me~Ticci Toby X ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang