Chapter 3 Long Hard Road Out Of Hell

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A/N: I'm really anxious about this chapter to be honest, since I don't really know if I got the personalities right -_-;; so don't be shy to point out any problems with them and I'll make sure to look into them and fix them :p Also, extremely sorry for the big delay and I hope you'll like the chapter! Stay awesome! 

There was a strange feeling of déjà vu flooding your veins as you flew through the forest.

Not even for a single second did you dare to spare a moment and look at what was happening behind you; the sound of crunching leaves, swears and yells was loud enough to alert you both of their closeness and the severity of the situation. All three were fast behind you, flying through the forest in hot pursuit like the predators hunting down the only meal they had seen in days. Their motives were as clear as the freaking bloody sun; get caught and you are dead, worm food, poof! And if that's not an enough motive to have you running like your ass is on fire, honestly I don't know what else is. Panting hard, chest screaming at you with pain, feet paying no mind to the rough terrain and brain only focusing on the possible ways out of this hellish situation; trying to recollect whatever data you had read at any point about the area, because now was the time to use whatever the fuck you knew and even the stuff you didn't know.

It wasn't easy running. They were too close behind for you to get the chance of hiding for a bit and figuring things out or taking a small break in this GTA chase, so you make a beeline towards what you hoped was the right way out, jumping over fallen trees, sliding the small slopes and generally never stopping. Honestly, you didn't know for how long you could do this, but the complete lack of any projectiles against you and the velocity with which you ran gave you the advantage. Men were generally stronger and high on stamina levels, but women were more agile and neurotic, giving the advantage of a quick escape. So you take your chances and try to tire them out the best you can while running like hell: choosing the most difficult path through the solid maze created by the trees, venturing through thick bushes and branches, having them tear at your arms and legs excruciatingly but earning just a few painful swears every now and then. Alas, these little fuckers don't seem to get tired at all! Seriously, they need to rest aside all the Monster and Red Bull because it's freaking impossible to lose them even after so long! Their pace doesn't falter and they don't seem to tire down so easily, eventually always keeping close to you. Too close for comfort while your energy is rapidly decreasing and your panic rising with desperation.

This only leaves you with very few other options, many of which you don't know how to pull off entirely.

And to be honest with yourself, you have to get a small break and fast, or else there'll be no chance of escape if you pass out from lack of oxygen. Lungs have long ago seized to inhale and dark spots have started to appear in your field of vision. Fuck you dude!

Miraculously, your ears pick up the very distant sound of water running and your brain immediately flashes the information you need before your eyes: Potosi is surrounded by a national park which is run through by various rivers where people go kayaking. This could mean a possible way out if you managed to reach some of them and jump over to the other side; or at least you hoped so because next plan would be falling to your doom from very high altitude which didn't seem too appealing right about now. Even better would be for someone to freaking pass by them or be generally in the vicinity enough to see you running like Road Runner! Drawing attention and getting a bit of distance between you all seems like the plan to go for now, so you take a sharp turn to the right and run towards the spot where the trees started to clear up a bit with everything you have. The mocking sun is illuminating the way grandly above you as you dart through clearings and follow the increasing sound of water as if it was your only line with keeping your life. Still moist, the ground gives away under you and unceremoniously you are thrown onto the mud, scraping your palms and knees which immediately begin to bleed; your brain panics and you frantically look back to see where the others are only to see Goggles jump through the foliage, dashing towards you as menacingly as a Michael Myers-wannabe can get.

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