Chapter 8 A Place In The Dirt

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Fuck this shit.

Absolutely and truthfully fuck this shit you are goddamn out of this hellhole.

With each step you take the soaring pain on your feet grows more and more excruciating, making you swear that if you saw them off right now, you'd not feel a single thing. The straps of your T-Rex backpack are burying into the meat of your shoulders while bending you in half like a glow-stick, your knees are shaking like there's an earthquake and you are panting like a drowning man.

It has been hours.

Literal hours since you and the Proxies set off from the house and ventured into the woods, traveling towards the Proxy house that had been annihilated. The sun hadn't even dawned upon you yet, but by now, it's already setting deep into the horizon and you're nowhere even near your destination. Tired, famished and cursing everything in existence -small or big- you have no choice but to follow obediently behind the rest of the Proxies who don't even seem fazed by the number of miles you have crossed -or the heaviness of the baggage as well. All of them just keep walking, through thick foliage and steep hills and rocks, talking animatedly among themselves and paying little to no attention to you. As always, the only exception to this rule is Toby, who despite being the most animated one in the talks, he walks further behind the rest, keeping a close eye on you. It would be a shame to fall behind and die right?

What a loss would the death of their brain be right?

Hmmm, well if you just slipped off the small cliff right now, the fall would probably k-

'Move y-y-our ass gorgeous. Y-y-ou don't wanna s-stay o-o-out here al-one at night.'

'Maybe whatever's out here is more preferable than your sorry asses...'

'W-what was th-that?'

Gazing up from the root you are currently holding onto in order to climb, you see Toby already at the top, having crouched down and looking intensely at you; his orange goggles reflect the almost non-existent light and his head is tilted to the side like a curious dog as he regards you and you don't have to see it to know he is grinning. Averting your eyes and ignoring this son of a bitch you climb your way upwards, a feat that is easier said than done, due to your limbs shaking uncontrollably by the fatigue. To absolutely no one's surprise, Toby makes no moves to help you whatsoever so by the time you reach solid ground, you unceremoniously roll on your back like a turtle and decide to die right on the spot.

Something crunches and breaks inside your backpack.

Oh, look at your fucks flying away...

'We will camp here for the night.' Comes Hoody's laconical order and you sigh in content 'Masky get the fire going and Kate will cook something.'

'There's still plenty of stew left...' the other female notes.

'_____ it's not safe to be lying there.' Tim mumbles.

You raise your index finger high in the air.

Wait for it.


You don't care.

Dropping it back down, you ignore the low chuckle sounding from somewhere behind you.

Honestly, you are still pretty salty about Masky being Tim and rather sore from the beating you gave him earlier, so you couldn't care less as you connect him with Cairo and ignore whatever the fuck he is saying. Tim wasn't at all an idiot not to pick up that you are giving him the silent treatment after the fourth time you downright ignored him like he was made out of thin air, but still he was pretty persistent that no punishment would fall on you for beating him up. Truthfully, the Proxies were impressed; yet no matter how much you thought he deserved it all, you can't help but wonder where on earth did that surge of anger came from. Lazily, you look at your mark; last night it was blazing hot as you attacked Tim, but now it was once again normal and ominous looking.

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