Chapter 46: Crashed

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{Todoroki's POV}

The three of us run out onto the stage to see Kurogiri, Dabi, and Toga standing in the rows of the chairs, keeping All Might and Mrs. Midoryia away from Izuku. Midoryia sits in one on the edge of the aisle with Shigaraki standing behind him. I notice Shigaraki's hand wrapped around Izuku's neck with just one finger away from killing him. He doesn't have any of those weird hands on his body.

My legs move without my wanting to, as I hop off the stage and begin to walk up the aisle towards Izuku. I heard Aizawa hiss a warning as me but I ignored him and kept walking until Toga jumped in front of me with a knife drawn. I'm about 4 rows away and I meet Izuku's eyes.

He looks terrified. I can tell he's trying to stay calm, there's a visible battle on his face between fear and peace. 

"Now now peppermint," Toga taunts, "Keep your distance and we won't have a problem. Make any sudden movements and he'll be dead immediately.'

I see Izuku shake his head just enough for me to see.

"What do you want," I ask her, my voice has an undeniable shake.

"We just want to see if we can reclaim any assets," Shigaraki speaks up with a crooked grin, "I know it's unlikely, but we just wanted to give Deku a chance to come to his senses."

"What makes you think he would?" I ask him. He smiles and shakes Izuku a little, I see him wince.

"His own word!" He cheers, "Toga saw him in prison." I see Izuku's face pale and he starts to shake his head, he mumbles under his breath but I can't make out the words.

Shigaraki's face fills with momentary rage as he grabs Izuku's wrist and it begins to crumble away he cries out and my stomach drops. That's the exact scream I heard earlier, which means Izuku is already hurt somewhere. I crane my neck to see if he's injured but Toga keeps blocking my view. He screams again as Shigaraki stares at him as he moves up his arm to his shoulder, his flesh flaking away as he goes.

"Stop it!" I cry and Shigaraki lifts a finger. And looks to me, grinning.

"How sweet," He teases, then leans in and speaks directly into Izuku's ear, "Looks like you've won them over, isn't that what you wanted? Why throw that away? Because you're selfish and that part of you will never go away."

"Shut up," Izuku whispers.

"What if we talk about your quirk? How you can't even bare to use it anymore."

"Are you sure about that," Izuku growls, a new demeanor comes over him, "I'll kill you, right now if I have too." I can feel the anger radiating off of him and it scares me even though he's not even looking at me anymore.

Shigaraki laughs, "That sounds like something a villain would say," 

Izuku's face pales, his eyes glaze over, he slumps over in his chair as if unconcious. Then, the familiar green electricty starts to crackle around him as he activates One for All, but he doesn't move. I hear running and look to see Aizawa and Bakugo coming up behind me, Bakugo's hands spark, ready to fight.

Aizawa's capture scarf whips out around him and grabs Toga in one fell swoop, she cries a little as shes lifted off her feet. As the scarf wraps around Shigaraki's waist, trapping one of his arms, he quickly moves his other hand up to Midoryia's throat and looks at Aizawa with his eyebrow raised.

Aizawa tries to yank him away but in the split second he's still near Midoryia, his finger touches down on Midoryia's collarbone. Aizawa pulls him away and he stares down Dabi who runs towards him, erasing his quirk. Bakugo steps in and uses his explosion against Dabi.  The second the first explosion sounds off, Midoryia is awake and alert, and uses One for All to land a punch right in the middle of Dabi's chest, sending him flying backward and crashing into the closed door. 

The Traitor { Villain Deku AU }Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum