Chapter 12: He's In

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{Midoryia's POV}

It was weird seeing All Might, I wasn't really happy to see him, nor hug him for that long. But you do what you have to do, right? 

Considering I wasn't too hurt, instead of being transferred to another hospital they sent me to a place where they could see my behavior rather than physical health. 

I'm placed in a bedroom that looks like a hotel room for one. I have access to a tv, computer, even a window. Plot twist though, an entire wall is a one-way mirror where people can watch me like a caged animal.

I spend 4 days there, just filling the time by talking to doctors, Aizawa, All Might, the occasional press member, all of them asking if I was okay, but they don't care really. It's just what they're supposed to say.

I answer questions as I see fit if I'm not sure how to answer I pull the "I don't want to talk about that" card, but really it's because I haven't made anything up yet.

So far the story goes I was kidnapped the first time, got injected, joined while under the influence, of course, fought All Might, got kidnapped the second time, stayed with The League as they laid low whilst being abused and hurt constantly until I just gave in and did what they wanted. Injections started to wear off and I just kept with it until they told me to help them get in UA, to which I sabotaged it so they could get caught.

Of course, almost the entire second half is B.S, it sounds really good to the press and heroes who want to believe my innocence.

My mother comes in to fill the time anybody else isn't there. She's the only one I feel a little guilty around since she can still tell somethings off, and it's so genuine. But it doesn't matter anyway.

On the 5th day, they discuss me getting back into the dorms at the very least to slowly merge back with my classmates and society, considering I've been gone for what, 2 months now? Probably more I can't remember. And soon I'm back in my old dorm, covered in All Might posters which I totally forgot about.

God this is all so ugly, but I can't take it down or else they'll get suspicious.

Everyone else is still in class and they'll be back soon, so I have 3 hours of alone time. 

I decided to contact The League and let them know everything's on plan. Funny enough, I can just text them and that's that. They aren't monitoring the phone lines especially around UA, which is where their base is.

Midoryia: Everything is going well. I'm back in the dorms.

I don't know who responds, it could be any of them.

League: Great. Keep at it and don't get caught texting us. Tell us anything interesting.

Midoryia: Will do.

I wander around for three hours until I hear kids clambering around nosily downstairs in the common area. I dash back to my room and close the door and pretend to be scrolling on my phone when I hear a loud group outside my door.

"Shush!" I hear someone say quickly.

"Knock first," Someone else adds, and it all falls quiet before I hear a soft knock.

I laugh a little, pulling out the old Izuku a little to sound natural, quickly checking the mirror to ensure my green-contacts were in, I hop off my bed and prepare myself for the barrage of people, I try and slap on the old Izuku before I open the door to see the entirety of class 1-A standing in the hall.

"Deku!" Uraraka, whose at the front, cheers and jumps forward and wraps me in a strangely tight hug. Everyone else joins in till it's one large group hug. Bakugo, Kirishima, and Todoroki are also in the mix surprisingly, yet Bakugo seems very reluctant.

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