I sat on the cold hard floor in front of the toilet, puking my guts out. I took a deep breath and started up again.

"This is the fourth time this morning!" Michelle said holding my hair back. I sighed and looked at her.

"I know. I've never had it this bad..." i puked again. "Can you call John?"

She nodded and ran out of the restroom. I held onto my stomach and flushed the toilet. I felt tired and had a raging headache. Michelle ran back into the room and helped me up.

"I called him. He said for you not to fret, super Lennon is on his way." She laughed. I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"Stupid John. I love him." I giggled. I rinsed my mouth and made my way back out into the studio. Then it hit me. I still never told John about my job. He doesn't know about the film yet. George Dunning doesn't want to let The Beatles know just yet until the film is almost finished.

Before I could make another call to John, he was bursting through the doors and running over to me. It was silent in the room as everyone stared at us.

"Lucy, my love are you okay?? Michelle called and told me ye were sick and throwin up like mad. Want me to take you home?"

"Y...yes please." I said weakly. He nodded and picked me up in his arms. I held onto him and nuzzled my face into

his chest. Then he looked around and hmmd me.

"Is this where ye work? Looks like an art studio."

I shut my eyes and heard my boss come out.

"Mister Lennon? What on earth are you doing here!?"

"I'm here to pick up my wife." John said sounding confused. "What is all this? There's got to be hundreds of people 'ere."

"W....wife?? Lucy, John Lennon is your husband!?"

"Um...yeah. forgot to mention that." I said nervously.

"Okay what is goin on here!? What kind of job is this!?" John asked. I bit my lip as my boss spoke.

"Mister Lennon we didn't want to say anything until we were almost finished. But...were doin a film about The Beatles. A cartoon I guess you would say. I prefer the term, animated film."

"Another film? Brian didn't tell us anythin." John said, still carrying me. I closed my eyes and rested my head against his chest, drifting off to sleep.


I woke up to the sound of people talking, followed by music. I blinked and looked around. I noticed I was in the studio, in the dressing room on the sofa. I've been here many many times, with John.

I sat up and was surprised to see myself in one of John's shirts, which was too big for me, and my underwear. I made my way out of the room and into the recording studio where the guys were. I sat on an amp and watched them do their magic. I always loved watching them perform. From the canteen in college, to a record studio for another album.

I noticed my hair was getting pretty long, I need a haircut. My hair was almost entirely brown again. I rested my legs up against my chest and giggled as I made eye contact with George. I waved and he smiled, looking back down at his guitar.

I yawned and looked at the clock.

3:13 pm.

I've been asleep for two hours?

They soon finished playing and began talking until George interrupted.

"I think we have a guest."

They all turned and smiled when they saw me. John was the first to come over and pick me up, smothering me with kisses. I giggled and pulled back.

"Easy boy."

"Lennon can't help it." He winked. I blushed and pecked him on the lips.

"I see you decided to dress me while I was asleep." I smiled.

"Yeah. Thought you'd be more comfortable. Plus, I gave ye somethin on the inside of your thigh there. Ye seemed to enjoy it. Moaning like crazy." He smirked.

I looked down and noticed the dark hickie on the inside of my thigh. I blushed and smacked him on the arm.

"Such a freak John! Bad enough I had to explain the bite mark on my chest the other day. Then the bruised knees, the redness on my bum from the night before." I said as he trailed his index finger over my collar bone.

"Aye, ye don't seem to mind when it's happenin."

"Shut up."

"I have to explain a few things myself. It goes both ways."

I giggled as he tickled my sides.

"Feelin better love?"

I nodded and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Yes. So much better. I'm glad you brought me back here with you."

"Me too. Were almost finished ere. Just a few more run throughs and such. I gotta piss." He said pulling out of my grasp. I rolled my eyes and let him go. I sat back down on the amp and ran my fingers through my hair as I rubbed the swollen mark on my thigh. I smiled to myself, remembering the feeling.

"He's always leavin his mark on ye isn't he?"

I looked up and smiled. "Hi George. How are you?"

He sat down on the ground and poked at my foot.

"I'm alright I suppose. Glad to be back in the studio." He sighed. I could sense not all things were well back home.

"Are you sure Geo? You seem....off."

He shrugged. "Not all is what they always seem huh? Things aren't well between me and Pattie. I do still care about her but..."

"You don't love her?" I asked. He looked down and shook his head.

"I keep kidding myself Luce. I want to love her. But I can't. She knows it."

"Then why are you with her?"

"Because I can't have you." He said looking up at me. I just stared into his eyes and held his gaze.


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