Chapter 17.

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"God this place is a mess!" I said as we entered John's flat. He chuckled.

"I've been busy. I 'ave no time to clean this place. Maybe we should hire someone to clean this all up."

I scoffed. "John John John, why pay someone to do something when you can do it yourself."

He smiled and walked over to me. "Because i'm lazy."

"Well then, I'll do it. I need something to do anyways until I get a job." I said as he kissed my neck.

"Why do ye need a job? You're married to me now. What's mine is yours." He said nibbling in my skin. I giggled.

"Yeah? So what if I divorce you now and sue ye for all ye 'ave?" I said imitating his voice. He smiled.

"I think living in England most of your life, rubbed it's charm on ye. Ye got that accent down love."

"Yeah? I prefer my good 'ol New York accent."

He smiled. "Say New York again."

I rolled my eyes. "New York."

He laughed and shook his head. I smacked his arm.

"Shut up Lennon."

"Ye make fun of the way I speak all the time."

"Cause you deserve it." I laughed. He made a face and continued kissing my neck. "Come on John, why are we down here when we should be up there?" I grabbed his hand and moved it under my dress. He smirked.

"Now this is the reason I married ye."


It had to be two in the morning as I sat up in bed, watching John sleep. He looked so peaceful. The sheets over his beautiful naked body. His chest rising and falling as he breathed. I'm the luckiest woman on earth.

I sighed and looked around. It was still all to new. I'm married to John Lennon. The man every woman desired. The man the whole world knew as the biggest rock n roll musician at the moment. He was all mine.

I layed on my back and stared at the ceiling.

"Lucy? Is everything alright?"

I turned to see John looking at me sleepily. His messy hair over his eyes. I pushed it back.

"Yeah John. I'm fine. Perfect actually. Can I ask you somethin?"

"Anything love."

I sighed. "Are you happy?"

"What do ye mean?"

I snuggled into his arms as he held me against his warm body.

"I mean like, us getting married and all. Are you happy with your life. The choice you made?"

It was silent for a few seconds. Then he spoke.

"I am happy. For the first time in my life, I'm sure of somethin. I know what I want. And that's always been you."

I smiled and looked up at him. Without a word, we leaned in and kissed. His arms holding me close. I slowly moved up, crawling on top of him. He laid back and pulled the sheet off of us. The cool air making my body shiver.

We kissed the entire time as we arranged ourselves. I moved up and back down on him. He thrust up into me, making me moan.

Heavy breathing filled the silence as our bodies moved together. He kissed my neck as I leaned my head back, crying out in pleasure.

"Mmm baby you feel so good." I moaned. He hummed against my neck and squeezed my bum, thrusting up into me faster.

"Aaah!" I screamed out as he cursed to himself. I loved the way his body rubbed against mine as we made love. He sucked on my breasts, making my body shake.

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