Chapter 5.

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I was at work early the next morning, covering the small bruising beginning to form on the side of my face with makeup when Andrew walked in.

"Lucy?? Are you alright?"

I sighed. "You know, it feels so good to hear an American voice coming from a guy right now. Sometimes that liverpool accent just sticks in my mind."

"So you saw him."

I set my makeup down and looked up. "Yeah. It was nice actually. I mean, we talked, had some time together."

"You two slept together. That's what you're telling me."

I bit my lip and looked up at him. "Does it matter?"

"No. Not my place to worm my way into anything. I just don't want to see you hurt again."

I stood up and closed the door, locking it. Andrew watched as I sat on my desk and pulled him over to me.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For not being one of those guys who push the questions." I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Well, I know when to stop being a journalist and when to start being a friend." He smiled and moved his hands up my legs slowly.

"A friend. I hope I never lose you."

"You won't."

"Promise?" I whispered. He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. I kissed him slowly, moving my hand to the front of his jeans.

"I promise." He mumbled. I smiled and unzipped his pants and unbuttoned while he lifted my skirt up, and pulled my underwear down.


"How's the kid?" I asked zipping up my skirt as Andrew zipped up his jeans.



"She's good."

"Yeah i'm sure she is." I muttered. He laughed and pulled his shirt down.

"Why do you hate her so much?"

I sat in my chair and looked up at him. "Do you really want to know why?"

He nodded and opened the door. I sighed.

"My first year here, I had a crush on you. I was going to ask if you wanted to get coffee with me one morning and um... that was the morning I walked in on you and Janice having sex in your office."

He stayed quiet and nodded. "It seems I owe you a cup of coffee then."

I giggled and stood up. "Lead the way."


I got off work early to go home and rest. My head was killing me and my hands hurt from typing. I decided to take a shower and make myself dinner. I could've went out to see John and the guys but I didn't feel like seeing Paul.

I was sitting on my sofa, eating and watching tv when there was a knock at the door. I got up and answered to see John. He smiled.


I poked my head out and looked around for any girls around and sighed in relief when I found it empty. I pulled him inside.

"How did you get here? I mean without being followed."

"Well this isn't really a safe neighborhood. Most people don't recognize me. I love it."

I smiled and closed the door, making my way to the kitchen.

"How d'you know where I live? Not that i'm not happy to see you. Tea?"

He nodded. "I um, read one of the letters ye sent me, the ones you left on the table."

"Oh. And?"

"Ye wanted to come to England. To see me."

"Did you read my latest one?" I asked, handing him his cup, making our way to the sofa. He set his cup down and turned to me.

"Ye said yes. To my proposal. Did ye mean it?"

I looked down at the ring he gave me last year. I never took it off. I nodded.

"Something like that. I want to make a little bet with you."

He looked at me strangely but also intrigued.

"Go on."

"If I accept your proposal, we stay engaged as long as the band is together. If were still willing, and we don't completely hate each other by then, we get married. But if not, we call it off and go our seperate ways."

He thought for a few minutes. I watched his face as he nodded.

"Fine. But, I get sex from ye anytime I want, wherever I want." He smirked. I giggled.

"Such a pig Lennon."

"I think I would like some sex now, right here." He winked, pushing me back on the sofa and climbing on top.


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