Chapter 27.

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Later that evening, I sat in bed, having a smoke and typing in my typewriter about everything that was going on. I decided to write a letter to Andrew. My fellow American friend whom I’ve been forgetting about since I moved out here. I hate myself.

I sighed and talked about my pregnancy. How happy I was. How much I wished he was here to see me. I really did miss him. I wanted to know what he was up to. How is his baby girl? Is he working again? Is there a new girl in his life? The more I typed, the more homesick I felt. I really missed being around people who had no fuckin clue who I was. Here I was just known as Missus John Lennon. I really did miss being Lucy Daniels. Just Lucy Daniels.

Work was the only way I could escape being who I was known to in the real world. Not that I didn’t mind the free stuff, the fancy dinners, the respect. But at times, I couldn’t help knowing that…this wasn’t who I really am.


7:13 pm.

I sat on the balcony, staring up at the night sky, when I heard John come in. But he wasn’t alone.

“Lucy, George is stayin with us!” John shouted. I shut my eyes and took a deep breath. I knew George and Pattie were having problems. I just wish he would stay with Paul or Richard instead of us. After our talk earlier, I couldn’t help feeling uncomfortable around him. Not in a bad way. I just knew if we were alone together, something might happen between us. And I couldn’t let that happen. Where was Julian when I needed him?

I flicked my cigarette and looked over as John came over, leaning down to give me a kiss.

“How was work?” He asked. I shrugged.

“Fine. Just fine.”

He nodded and whispered quietly in my ear. “I really hope ye don’t mind George stayin ere. He’s goin off the deep end.”

I nodded and watched as George came over. He was quieter than usual. He just gave me a small smile as he spoke. “I hope ye don’t mind me stayin..”

“No of course not Geo! I’d rather you be here than anywhere else youre not wanted.”

He nodded and grabbed the pack of cigs from the chair next to me. John left off as the phone rang. He sat next to me.

“Nice place you and John ave.”

I laughed. “George you’ve been here many times before.”

He laughed nervously. “I know I…I was trying to make conversation.”

“George you don’t have to. I understand if you just want to be alone.”

“No. If I do I’ll just end wanting to kill myself or something.”

It was quiet for an awkward five seconds before John came in, angry.

“Fuckin Epstein.” He said shaking his head.

“What happened?” George asked.

“He wants me and Paul in the studio to go over some interview shit.”

“Can’t it wait for tomorrow?” I asked, not really wanting to stay alone with George.

“I ‘ave to love. I’ll be back as soon as I can.” He gave me a kiss and walked off. I looked straight at the small garden next to the pool.

After John left, I stood up and faced George.

“I’m goin to shower now. You can stay in one of the guest bedrooms.” I smiled. He nodded.

“Thanks again Luce.”

“We’ll talk later.” I said, headed inside.


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