Chapter Two - A nightmare

Start from the beginning

"So, where are we?" I asked, noticing nothing but plain white. 

He hesitated before replying, "Your conscious." he replied. His voice seemed old and decaying. How long has he been in my conscious for? 

I sighed, "That's a relief, at least I'm not dead or anything." I said, with a nervous chuckle trailing afterwards. He didn't make a single movement after that, he simply just stared. 

"Okay then, so what are you doing here?" I asked. 

"To bring you a gift." he simply replied. 

I arched an eyebrow. A gift? This only made me more confused. It's not my birthday or anything...

"What gift?" I asked, leaning back into my chair, forcing myself to motivate backwards. "A gift of my own ability that nobody but you is perfectly matched for." he told me. 

"That still doesn't explain it." I blurted out. Nothing is even safe in my own mind. 

"The gift of an Aries." he said, "After the great battle we lost, we seek for 12 new avengers to take over our capabilities before we wilt away into nothing, we need you to win this war." he explained to me. 

I arched an eyebrow, "Okay, this seems pretty fake but you do you I guess, anyways, what makes me right for the role of Aries?" I asked. 

"You're a highly competitive woman, a natural leader that prefers to take their own initiative, brushes part objections and obstacles, can easily lose patience, honest and takes risks and is a generous woman." he explained. 

I arched an eyebrow, "So like a business women?" I asked. He didn't reply to that. I chuckled, "If I have the power of an 'Aries, then what is the power?" I questioned, leaning forward with my left arm resting on my lap. 

"The Aries has the ability of Space and Time." he told me. He turned to face to a diagonal right, "Now our time is up, it's time for you to awaken." he said. He then turned to face me. 

It felt as if I was being dragged further away from him, he became a mist of nothing as all I could see now was plain white. 

With a gasp, I woke up. 

Still remaining on the floor, I noticed Vivien with an unsatisfied look on her face, Bronwyn how had a shot of relief painted on he face and Levi who didn't show it but had an obvious aura that he was also relieved. 

"See, I told you she wasn't dead." Vivien said, her bold Irish accent blending in as she strutted off. 

Bronwyn sighed, "You had me worried for a moment." Bronwyn said, "We really thought we lost you." 

"Except Vivien, but she doesn't have a heart so it's fine." I heard Shannon's voice echo, Vivien then lightly hit her in the arm which Shannon chuckled at. 

"Yeah, I'm fine, a weird goat-man kept me holding on." I said, sitting up. Bronwyn chuckled, "That's almost as weird as what I had, I think it might have been because of the shock." she brought up. 

I nodded my head in agreement, "Yeah..." 

Bronwyn stood up as Levi extended a hand down to help me up, I accepted the offer and slowly rose up off the ground.

"I was lucky I was the first one to wake up, my hair was a mess due to the shock." Vivien spoke, gesturing to her locks. "Yeah, but nobody really cares about your hair." Scarlett said with a light shrug. 

"And nobody really cares about your know-it-all attitude either." Eleanor viciously hissed back. 

Shannon peered down to the broken tv in a pool of her spilt water, "Remind me not to spill my drink ever again." she said, picking up the TV very lightly then slinging it into the boys bathroom then slamming the door. 

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