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Hey, readers! This is like the sequel to my Green Ranger Ninja Steel books. So Trent will still be in here, just as a different color. That's why I made this. This book takes place after the epilogue of Power Rangers Super Ninja Steel. Enjoy!

The picture is what Trent looks like in Ranger form.


───── 𝗢𝗖 𝗣𝗥𝗢𝗙𝗜𝗟𝗘 ─────

NAME: Trent Romero/Weston (Former surname: Evans)

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NAME: Trent Romero/Weston (Former surname: Evans).



22 (Ninja Steel).
22 (Super Ninja Steel).
44 (Beast Morphers).
44 (Dino Fury).
9 (Cosmic Fury).

RANGER COLOR(S): Green ( Ninja Steel | Super Ninja Steel ), Black ( Beast Morphers ), Red ( Cosmic Fury ).


Advanced Hearing: Due to being linked to the Lion DNA, Trent can hear things from long ranged distances. Also works outside of his suit.

Supersonic Roar: Trent has the ability to let out a lion roar that appears in supersonic waves and has the ability to blow out someone's eardrums. Also works outside of his suit.

Enhanced Reflexes: Due to his ninja training, Trent is shown to be aware of his surroundings. For instance, if someone throws an object at him, he is able to catch the object in his hand without breaking a sweat.

Headaches: Due to having two powers, he often gets bad migraines. It can sometimes lead to him passing out.

APPEARANCE: Has fluffy dark brown hair and green eyes. Wears anything black. Also has his left arm amputated.

PERSONALITY: Trent often throws sarcastic remarks when he's angry. He cares a lot about his friends and family and is not afraid to put anyone in their place if they're being out of line. He's also very protective of people who he sees as friends.

LOVE INTEREST: Levi Weston/Aiden Romero (Husband).

After defeating Galvanax and Odius as well as losing his left arm, Trent decides that it was time to get away from Summer Cove for a while. That's how he got an internship in Coral Harbor. He ends up in the Power Rangers base and gets the Lion DNA planted in him. Which makes him the Black Ranger. When his Lion DNA was planted in him, he finds out that he has advanced hearing and a supersonic roar. It works inside and outside his suit. He ends up joining Devon, Ravi, Zoey, and Nate in the fight against Evox.


"So, I'm a Ranger again and I have a new team, just what I needed."
— Trent to himself, "Back in Black, Part 1."

"You know, now that I think about it. Ben and Betty remind me of these two certain idiots I used to go to high school with, but more funnier."
— Trent to the team, "Back in Black, Part 3."

"Basherbots! But... What are they doing here?"
— Trent to himself, "Lion Fire Green."

"I see you have done your research on me. That means you two stuck your noses where it doesn't belong."
— Trent to Avatar Blaze & Roxy, "Lion Fire Green."

"Commander, if I have your permission. I would like for the team and I to travel to my hometown. I have some old friends of mine located there who can help with our problem."
— Trent to Commander Shaw, "Lion Fire Green."

"It's like how my dad's favorite saying goes. You can take the ninja out of the fight, but you can't take the fight out of the ninja!"
— Trent to Avatar Blaze & Roxy, "Lion Fire Green."

"It's like I said before, this whole "no dating other Rangers" rule is stupid. My two friends, Calvin and Hayley from my old Ranger team were dating and we were perfectly fine as a team. Given that they were dating before they became Rangers, but that's besides the point." — Trent to Zoey, "Sound and Fury."

"I don't know who you think you are, but Zoey is my best friend, and Nate's right up there with her. You do anything, I mean anything to hurt them in any way, I'll make sure you regret it."
— Trent to Megan, "Sound and Fury."

"The whole stealing memories plan. How classic. I went though this situation with the Ninja Steel Rangers. It's really starting to get old. Why can't villains be original for once?"
— Trent to Steel, "Rewriting History."

"I take back anything bad I said about you before. You are amazing."
— Trent to Megan, "Beast King Rampage."

"I think you both are going way overboard with this. They're not going to some high school prom. It's an undercover mission."
— Trent to Ben & Betty, "Secret Struggle."

"Steel! You're. . . alive! And human!"
— Trent to Steel, "Evox Unleashed."


There's the details! Chapter One should be out soon, since I'm already done with it!

I do not own Power Rangers. I only own my OC, Trent Romero, and his storyline. Plagiarism is a crime. DO NOT republish or claim my work as your own.

Enjoy the book!

~ Venus.

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