Chapter Thirty-Nine: Crunch Time.

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A/N: Hello, readers! Welcome to another chapter! Enjoy!

edited on august 30th, 2022 @ 8:17am




I WAS CURRENTLY AT RIPTIDE GYM with the others wearing a black button up shirt with my sleeves rolled up. "Hey, team." Blaze greeted, coming up to the table.

"Hey, Blaze." Devon greeted back.

"Shouldn't you be in Japan?" I then asked.

"Yeah, I thought you had a karate tournament." Devon added onto my sentence.

"Well, I was on my way to the airport. . ." Blaze paused as he sets his duffel bag down, taking out something. "when I found this."

Steel gasped. "What is it?" He questioned.

"That looks like Scrozzle's work." Nate stated.

"Yeah. I think it's one of Robo-Roxy's memory drives." Blaze said as Ravi took it from Devon's hands.

"Really?!" Steel asked.

"When giant Roxy blew up, pieces of her robot scattered everywhere. The Battleforce clean-up crew must've missed this." Ravi said, handing it over to Nate.

"I thought getting it to you guys was more important than some karate competition." Blaze stated.

"You're absolutely right. Thanks for bringing it back, Blaze." Devon thanked him as Blaze patted his shoulder.

"Always happy to help my friends at Grid Battleforce." He claimed.

"The circuit boards are still intact. This might have some of Roxy's memory stored on it." Nate informed as Betty took it.

"So it could be full of valuable data!" She said, tapping on it. It electrocuted her as the disk dropped to the ground.

Ben and Betty began chasing after it. They tripped over a bunch of people, obviously forgetting that they were still tied to a bungee cord as Ben eventually retrieved it.

"Hey, lollygaggers, why are you on the floor?" Betty asked as the people groaned. "How do you expect to learn if you just lay around?"

We all rushed down to meet them. "Careful with that." Nate warned as Ben handed the disk back to him. "Thanks."

Nate placed the disk in his bag. "What if the clean-up crews missed any other pieces?" Zoey asked.

"We'd better check it out." Ravi answered.

"I'll take the memory drive back to the lab." Nate informed.

"Laters." Devon said to Blaze as all of us headed out of Riptide Gym.


"I think I got something." Nate said as Devon and I looked at his computer. "This is the first memory fragment I've found."

"So we're about to see what Roxy saw? Cool." Steel commented.

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