Chapter Two: Back In Black, Part 2.

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A/N: Hello, readers! Welcome to another chapter! Also, please don't ask me for updates on my message board. My message board is for people who want me to make a certain book or are just commenting on how they like my work.

Please note that I am a COLLEGE STUDENT and I also work to make money. I priortize other things that come first than my writing. Writing is something I do as I hobby, not something I want to do professionally. If I get more of those questions I'm just not gonna bother replying and will just delete your message.

And if it continues onward, I will just mute you without hesitation. Authors like me have lives and I'm tired of my readers thinking I don't have a life outside of Wattpad. I try to make my chapters at least 1000+ words. It won't happen if people are constantly pressuring me to update. You guys either get a short chapter or a long one, pick your poison.

Also, the OC, Dacoda, does not belong to me, it belongs to @19dkline.

Now, without further ado, enjoy the chapter!

edited on october 25th, 2021 @ 5:40am




I WAS BACK AT THE secret agency the next day wearing a black hoodie. I still wasn't used to the whole having powers thing. I mean, I did have a power back when I was with the Ninja Steel Rangers, but hearing conversations from a far range kills your head sometimes.

I also feel like I'm eavesdropping on people's private conversations, not like they know. But still.

"Hey, Trent. Do you think you can deliver this to Nate?" A fellow intern by the name of Ava asked me as she handed me a clipboard with some papers clipped onto it.

"Sure, Ava." I responded, taking the clipboard.

Ava Miller was an intern like me, only she was here a week before. I should also mention she has a slight crush on me. How do I know this? Because I overheard her conversation with the other interns and some of the staff about how handsome I was.

I thought for sure having a robotic arm would be a big turn off. Apparently, it isn't.

"U-Um, I was also wondering if perhaps you'd like to go out for coffee after work? You know, just two co-workers getting to know each other." Ava said.

"Ava, I'm sure you're a nice girl. But I'm gonna have to decline. For one, I'm married, and even if I wasn't, females aren't my type." I informed, walking away.

I was walking down the corridor, trying to find this guy Nate when I suddenly bumped into someone, almost knocking me over. "I'm sorry!" I immediately apologized.

"No, no, that was completely my fault."

I looked up to see a dark-skinned male with black curly hair wearing a red shirt with a black jacket over it.

"I hate to bother you, but I'm Trent Weston and I'm looking for Nate. Do you know where he's located?" I questioned.

"Yeah. I work with him. Follow me." The guy replied. "I'm Devon. Devon Daniels."

"Adam Daniels son?" I asked.

Devon sighed. "That's me." He answered.

"Oh, sorry. I can only guess that must be annoying. Take it from me who's married to a famous singer." I said.

✔ | 𝗕𝗔𝗖𝗞 𝗜𝗡 𝗕𝗟𝗔𝗖𝗞 ⸺ 𝖡𝖾𝖺𝗌𝗍 𝖬𝗈𝗋𝗉𝗁𝖾𝗋𝗌 ³Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu