Chapter Twenty-Six: Cruisin' For A Bruisin'.

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A/N: Hello, readers! Welcome to another chapter! Enjoy!

edited on may 14th, 2022 @ 8:14am




I WAS CURRENTLY AT THE base wearing a gray t-shirt with a black flannel over it. I was with the other Rangers as the Beast Bots were busy helping us train.

"And that's all six targets in position. Everybody to your stations, please." Jax announced.

"Great. Thanks, Jax." Zoey told him.

"All right, let's get this party started." Steel said.

"Okay, Rangers. This is round one." Cruise informed.

"How about we make training interesting?" Devon suggested. "Anybody who misses buys the rest of us smoothies. What do you say?"

"I don't have my wallet." Ravi shrugged. "But I won't be needing it."

"Do you know exactly who you're challenging, Devon?" I smirked.

"Hey, this is target practice. It's not a competition." Zoey told us.

"Ooh, looks like someone is afraid of losing." I teased, making Zoey whack me in the head as Ravi laughed. "Ouch. Sorry, Z."

"I'll beat you all." She claimed.

"Wait— I can't even drink a smoothie!" Steel realized.

"Ready, set. . ." Smash started off. We picked up the blasters as they began to whirl. ". . . fire!"

All of us then began firing at the targets in front of us. The cardboard Tronics were soon hit as they flapped downwards.

"No smoothies so far." Ravi announced.

"But round two is a little harder." Smash informed.

"Great." Nate said.

"Now, where did I put that remote control?" Cruise asked himself as the remote was in his hand.

"The one you're holding?" Devon questioned.

"Oh, yeah. There it is." Cruise replied.


"Oh, Cruise!"

Cruise pressed the button as a Tronic figure appeared. "So, we figured you might wanna crank things up a notch." He announced.

"A moving target, huh?" Nate guessed.

"More of a challenge." Devon said.

"Ready, set, fire!"

At Smash's command, we picked up our blasters again and began firing at the moving target, but none of us got a hit in.

"It's moving too fast." Ravi pointed out.

"Ugh! I'll say." Zoey agreed.

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