Chapter Forty: Source Code.

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A/N: Ah, only one more episode left and then the epilogue! Enjoy!

edited on september 5th, 2022 @ 8:52am



Previously in Back in Black . . .

"What if we trap Evox's Gigadrone in a Zord hangar and use the mega transporters to capture him?"

"What is this? Argh!" Evox exclaimed.

"Blaze's plan worked. Evox was imprisoned. But then we realized. . ." Trent's voice was cut off.

Ravi snatched the bandage off of Blaze's arm, revealing that he was Robo-Blaze.

"We got played." Ravi spoke.

"If all of this was his plan. . . then Evox must have wanted to be captured." Nate claimed.

"But why?" Devon asked.

Now . . .


RAVI, DEVON, AND I WERE keeping an eye on Evox as Commander Shaw, Nate, Zoey, and Steel walked in. "Devon, Ravi, Trent, back me up." Nate told us.

"Roger." Ravi said as the three of us were at Nate's side.

"Ready." Zoey announced.

"Okay. Lower the shields." Nate ordered.

Zoey sighed. "Lowering." She replied as the shields lowered.

"Ready." Commander Shaw said. "Fire."

Nate fired towards Evox, hitting him as he growled. "Again." Commander Shaw ordered.


The blaster powered up and fired at Evox once more, making him kneel. "Nice job, Nate. It's working." Ravi praised.

"Oh, I got a bad feeling about this. . ." I muttered.

"Focus, Rangers. Again." Commander Shaw told us.

"Re-energizing." Nate said. The blaster powered up but suddenly the shield was placed back up, making the attack fly back.

"What the. . . ?" Steel trailed off in confusion.

"Did you reactivate the wall?" Nate questioned.

"No!" Zoey responded.

"It wasn't me." Steel said as Zoey was pushing a few buttons.

"And it won't go back on again!" Zoey added on.

"It's Evox." Nate turned to the Commander. "Somehow, he's controlling the computer."

Evox started to laugh. "Step by step, my plans have brought us to this moment. You've reached the final chapter of your story." He claimed.

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