Chapter 29 : BBMAS

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Your P.O.V

I am beyond excited, tonight is the BBMAS and I am hosting. I can't wait to perform and show the world what I've really got. I still can't believe they want me to host and perform. I really hope, I can meet Nicki Minaj because I want to ask for a collab with her for Side to Side, I honestly think she'd be perfect for it , I haven't written the parts for her because I think that would be something, she would want to write or change. Im really excited, the few days ago, I met my backup dancers and their really nice, hopefully we have fun and have no complications. I found out everything I have to do as host, I have to change into various outfits of my choice, I have to make jokes, I have to compliment various artists and share stories. Then when we arrive, I have to walk red carpet with guys and I only have enough time for one interview, so I must make it worth it. I was in my room getting my makeup done. My Unnie finished and I put my outfit on smiling.I looked in the mirror and spun around checking myself, I looked really good. The excitement soon started to fade away as I started to get nervous but I breathed in and let my excitement get the best of me.

" Thank you so much Unnie." I hugged Teri tightly, she smiled proudly.

" Your welcome, sweetheart......... just shine. " She said pulling away. I nodded and walked out of the room confidently. I'm ready for this, I worked hard for this. This is my chance to shine.~ . I walked downstairs to see all my oppas sitting on the couches in their outfits. They all looked very handsome as always. They all looked up when they heard my heels, I smiled waving shyly (What happened to be confident? 😒😂lol) They all stood and smiled at me proudly.

" You look beautiful/gorgeous/so pretty babe/princess ." I heard compliments of all kinds. I blushed but giggled.

" Awe Thank you Oppas, you all look so handsome, like always and I promise I'll make us proud today. " I smiled, they all shook their heads.

" You've already made us so so so super proud. " Taehyung smiled. I squealed being touched. They laughed at me but in all honesty they all looked really good.

( I know it's the 2018 style but Im working on it stuff, okei at this rate there's no years or anything. I'll tell you when there's years and stuff)

" Let's go, Oppa, I have a show to host and you have the world to slay. " I laughed as Jungkook wrapped his arm around my waist. He kissed my cheek.  We walked a little ahead of the rest.

" Your going to do great, I know it. Remember your Jeon Y/n ,my wifey, the 8th member of the best band, BTS, the owner to the key of my heart, my best friend, the love of my life. And so much more and just think of this when your nervous. I love you so much. " Jungkook smiled brightly. I grabbed his face and kissed him deeply, luckily I have concealer on my lips so nothing on Kookie's face. I pulled away.

" Thank you Kookie, I would say my part but I think we would miss the show if I did. " I giggled, he chuckled along with me before we basically ran downstairs into the cars. I was in a car with Samchon and the maknaes as we got closer, I started to breath in quickly. I felt hands on my shoulders from the back and I looked back to see Jimin. I relaxed as he started to massage my shoulders.

" Relax your gonna do great. " Jimin said in a calming voice. I nodded and breathed in relaxing. We arrived at the venue and I exited the car, we pulled right by the red carpet where fans, paparazzi and fellow celebrities where. I breathed in before I laced my fingers in Jungkook's . I smiled excitedly before us, BTS walked onto the carpet. I looked all over and smiled doing different poses and faces. We went to the main point where group photos would be taken. ( Where the boys took photos up there. ^) I took photos with boys doing poses and faces of all kinds.

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