I find Davina in our room sat on the edge of the bed, quietly breast feeding Gideon "ignore my brother. he's just being an ass. You can feed Gideon wherever you want" I say "I know, I'm just really tired and I don't need his crap right now. My emotions are all over the place and I just can't be doing with anymore drama or stress today" she responds I frown as she sniffles so I walk over to her and sit next to her on the edge of the bed. "Hey, I know today has been hard but it's all over now. Our child is here now and he's healthy and perfect. He's all that matters" I respond wrapping one of my arms around her back "I know" she replies "Nik will get use to you feeding Gideon. He's not use to it because he never saw Hayley do it because she never had the chance to do it so it is new to him but he will get over it" I say "I hope so" she replies as Gideon pulls away from her nipple and coos making us smile "hey Gideon. Are you full now?" she coos adjusting him in her arms and stroking his cheek making him wiggle about and coo making me chuckle. Davina gently shifts him and holds him to her chest, securing his head with her hand as she starts rubbing his back with her other hand. "You're already a natural at this" I say making her smile softly "I'm just following my instincts" she responds "well your instincts are very intact and very spot on" I respond kissing her forehead just as Gideon lets out a little burp making us laugh "aw, that was your very first burp" Davina coos adjusting him in her arms so he's looking up at us. "That was a little champs burp that was" I coo reaching out and stroking his cheek earning a coo from him. "Can you still read his thoughts?" I ask curiously "I can" she replies "what is he saying?" I ask "he's saying he's very happy and uncle Klaus sucks" she responds making me chuckle and I lean and kiss his little foot making him giggle "he says his foot is ticklish" Davina says so I smirk and lightly tickle his foot making him giggle "aww, you're such a happy little baby aren't you?" she coos "our happy little baby" I coo kissing Davina on the cheek before leaning down and kissing Gideon on the forehead making him coo. 



15 minutes later...

After me and Davina had a little bonding moment with our son. She handed Gideon to me so she could change into something different so she wouldn't be randomly sat in an Asgardian dress. Once Davina has changed, we head back downstairs and find Hayley bouncing Hope on her lap. "Ah there you two are. I was wondering where you disappeared too" Hayley says "sorry, Klaus was being a dick head so I went upstairs to finish feeding Gideon" Davina responds as we sit down. "Klaus is always a dick head" Hayley replies "hello? I'm right here" Klaus speaks up "yeah, I know. That's why I said it" Hayley retorts giving him a sarcastic smile "ohh burn" Rebekah responds high fiving Hayley who then turns to face Davina with Hope in her lap. "Hope" Hayley coos making her look up as she was playing with her hands "look" she coos pointing to Gideon who is in Davina's arms. Hope's eyes light up and she coos "ba ba" she babbles making us all laugh. Hope reaches out and grabs Gideon's hand which glows at the little bit of contact and then a second later, Hope's hand starts glowing. "What are they doing?" Freya asks "they're connecting" Davina responds as Gideon's hand curls around Hope's making her coo. "That's your cousin baby girl. Your job is to be his friend and protect him when his parents aren't around" Hayley coos as Hope pulls her hand away from Gideon a moment later. 

We're startled as the bifrost suddenly shoots down and Thor reappears "uncle you're back so soon" Davina says turning to face him. "Yeah, I have informed Odin and Frigga about the baby's arrival but there's something you should know" Thor replies "what is it?" Davina asks "the earthquake didn't just happen worldwide on earth" he responds "what? What do you mean by it didn't just happen here on earth?" Davina asks "at the exact same time, the earthquake happened here on Earth. Asgard was hit by an earthquake too and there was also an eclipse and a meteor shower present right by the main city of Asgard" Thor explains "what? That can't be a coincidence, can it?" she asks "that's not all either" he replies "what else is there to know?" Davina asks "the earthquake took place all over the universe. Every planet that exists that contains life was hit by an earthquake. Heimdall saw it happen everywhere and he also saw the exact moment when Gideon was born. At the exact moment Gideon was born, there was a big bang in space which consisted of a bright like, it was like the bifrost and it sounded like a gong when it went off but nobody was hurt" Thor explains "so everything that happened? All the events that happened today excluding the whole part where the witches abducted me. Was connected to Gideon's birth?" Davina asks "yes, it looks like it. I was speaking to Frigga about it and she told me how when a very special child is born. A child that is meant to change the world or is born with a purpose, the universe will welcome that child with various events. To let everyone know that the special child has been born" Thor explains "well we already knew he was going to be special considering what blood he has running through his veins" Rebekah responds "I believe your son was born, not just because you and Kol are soul mates but because he has a purpose. I believe Gideon has a great destiny ahead of him" Thor explains "Thor, I don't need to know this stuff right now. Gideon is barely two hours old and I'm just now finding this out. I can't cope with any more stress right now" Davina responds "I know, I'm sorry. I thought it important that you know now so you don't find out later" Thor responds "thank you for telling me" she responds "now we must discuss the dragons" Thor says "what about them?" Davina asks "the dragons were born at the same time as Gideon. Frigga says the dragons are his guardians, they're meant to protect him like Deegon does for you" Thor explains making me frown "um excuse me? Who's Deegon?" I ask curiously "my big dragon" Davina responds "oh, right that makes perfect sense" I respond mentally scolding myself for feeling jealous over Deegon, thinking he was some guy. "If that's the case then the dragons must remain where Gideon is. That isn't a problem for me. I've raised one dragon before, I can do it again, I know how to handle them" Davina speaks "you will probably have to move away from New Orleans to keep the dragons out of everyone's way" Thor suggests "I know and I already know the perfect place" she replies "okay first of all. There's no need to move, New Orleans is fine for the dragons" Klaus says "for now it might while they're little but they will get bigger and no matter how big this compound is. It's not big enough to house two fully grown dragons and I refuse to chain and anchor them down because it's cruel and that's how they died out when they lived on Earth thousands of years ago" Davina responds "Nik I really wouldn't try to argue with someone who actually knows how to handle and raise dragons" Hayley says "where else could possibly be better for them?" Klaus asks "somewhere far from humans and I happen to know a place" Davina responds "where exactly?" Klaus questions "Norway. There's a place in Norway which is cut off from everything and everyone else. Nobody lives near there and it's surrounded by fields and trees. I use to go there with Deegon when I was younger and we'd fly around the area sometimes" she replies "are you saying there was a dragon on earth in Norway a thousand years ago?" Elijah asks "sometimes yes. I only brought him a few times. I brought him to Norway a lot when he was small but I couldn't bring him as much when he got bigger as my grandfather refused to let me take him" Davina responds "surely if a dragon had been present on earth, someone would've noticed and reported it" Klaus retorts "no because everytime before I went there. My father would put up an invisibility and illusion spell around the area so nobody would ever see my dragon and if anyone ever did see him, they were soon made to forget. I wasn't careless with my dragon Niklaus. I always kept him far away from humans" Davina responds "it's true she did. She never had a bad incident with her dragon. She was very good with taming and training him. Speaking of which, where exactly is Deegon?" Thor asks "I honestly have no idea but obviously I know he's been around because he laid eggs where I crash landed" Davina responds "he can't be far. He never goes to far from you" Thor responds "I'm aware. If Deegon isn't here or where he's suppose to be then I reckon he's in Norway at our spot" she responds "what makes you think he'll be there? He's not been there in a long while from what I can tell" Klaus retorts "don't underestimate a dragon Niklaus. A dragon has a terrific memory. They remember everything no matter how long ago something was" Davina responds "Nik, just shut up and stop questioning Davina. She knows more about dragons than you do" I speak up "so you want to move to Norway?" Rebekah asks "it will be better for Gideon and for the dragons. The witches won't be able to bother me if I'm there" Davina responds "well if it's what's best for Gideon then we'll do it" I respond "absoutley not. New Orleans is the best place for Gideon. We shall stay here all of us" Klaus responds "Nik you don't control us and you can't tell us when and where we can live. Also don't you dare make choices for Gideon. He is mine and Davina's son, not yours so don't try to take control over him!" I snap "I seriously wouldn't even bother if I were you" Thor says sternly "I'm going upstairs for a nap. Me and Kol will discuss the possibility of moving another day" Davina responds standing up "I'll join you love" I respond "Uncle Thor will you be leaving again?" Davina asks "not quite yet. I'm going to make a stop in New York and see Mr Stark and the others. I will inform them, that you've given birth and then I may make a brief stop back here before heading home" Thor responds glancing at Rebekah "okay, great" Davina responds before giving him a side hug. "Perhaps if I do return for a short visit. You can show me around New Orleans" Thor suggests looking at Rebekah "I'd love too" she responds as me and Davina leave the room and head upstairs to our room. Davina places Gideon in his Moses basket since his nursery isn't finished since there's still a few things me and Loki have to finish but we may have to put it on hold if Davina wants to move.

End of chapter.

What did you think? Davina's protective over Gideon. Klaus is being an ass again. Thor came back and told them something very surprising. The earthquake happened all over the universe. Apparently Gideon has been born with a purpose. Gideon has a great destiny ahead of him. Could this be true? Davina wants to move away from New Orleans for the sake of Gideon and the two baby dragons. Klaus is trying to be a know it all again. What will happen next? Stay tuned for more

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