ix - 20 Questions?

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He pulled his shirt up some, turning his back to me. "Just this one." It was a medium sized black, rounded star shape with a circular, white skull in the middle. It sorta looked like a pirate symbol & it was in the center of his shoulder blades. "It's a matching tattoo with my nakama, just so we'll always have something to remember each other by." His voice was thoughtful.

"Hm. I didn't think you had a soft spot for anything. Are they those 3 guys you were talking to earlier?" I was curious now. I thought he hated everyone.

"Yeah, they're the only people around here I actually don't mind." He lost his sarcastic attitude when he talked about them. It was kinda nice to hear him talk like that.

"How many times have you been in love?" Since he had soft spots for those 3, maybe he had a couple more.

He exhaled loudly, pushing his now empty bowl away from him. "One.. & a forth?" He seemed to question his answer.

"A forth? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nope, my turn now." He smirked at me, obviously not intending to answer my question. I sighed, I probably deserved it for laughing at all his answers anyway.

"When was your last relationship & why did it end?" He wasted no time getting to the hard-hitting questions.

"I don't even get a couple warm up questions?" I pouted before clicking my tongue at him. "Ugh, about 6 months ago? ...He cheated on me on our 3 year anniversary." A wave of melancholy rushed over my body as I retold the story. To be truthful, I hadn't even thought about it since before the move. I tried to just move on from it really quickly, because if you don't think about it, it can't make you sad. I knew that it wasn't something that I could have affected or changed.

If someone wants to cheat, they probably will; no matter how great or attractive the other person in the relationship.

I had been doing a good job of keeping it out of my forethought, until now at least. After all, the move gave me more things to distract myself with.

Kid's voice was slightly hesitant. "Birdie, I–" My stomach let out an embarrassingly loud growl, interrupting him.

At least it changed the conversation topic..

He chuckled, hopping up & going over to the fridge. "What do you want?" He glanced over his shoulder at me.

"Got any popcorn? Maybe we can watch a long movie & get this night over with." I tried to act displeased about the amount of time I'd be spending here, remembering that he wasn't exactly my friend. "Sure, but we both know you're enjoying yourself here." He simpered quietly.

"As if. I'm only being civil so I won't be eaten by mosquitoes outside on my porch." I jumped from the stool, going to the living room to check out their movie collection. "Which one's your favorite?" I asked, flipping through the countless horror movies in the cabinet under the tv. "Pick one you haven't seen before!" He shouted over the sound of the popcorn bursting. I don't watch a lot of horror movies, so most of these are fair game. I'm just too anxious for horror. I picked one up, presenting it to Kid as he entered the living room. "How about this one?"

"You never seen that? Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a classic!" He took it from my hands, seemingly offended. "You're squeamish aren't you?" His tone was a mix of disgusted & disappointed. "Gosh, you make it sound like that's not normal." I snatched the popcorn from his hands, throwing a couple puffs in my mouth. He just rolled his eyes & popped it into the DVD player. We sat at opposite ends of the couch. He sat in a lazy, open position with his head leaned on his fist, & I sat bunched up with my legs tucked underneath me. I tried to keep my cool & not scream or cringe visibly, but it was proved a very difficult task by the middle of the movie. I clutched the edge of the popcorn bowl, feeling my gut twist uncomfortably at the bloody images that flashed over the screen. I glanced over at Kid, who seemed unfazed, even a bit bored.

"Nothing? You're just not bothered by any of this?" I gestured to the screen, now covered by an unnerving close-up of Leatherface.

"I'm not a chicken birdie." He stuck his tongue out at me & smirked.

"Whatever, you stupid–AUGH!" A bolt of anxiety shot through my body as the surround sound made the loudest noise possible to announce a jump scare. My eyes were tightly shut, the popcorn was long gone, & I had jumped nearly out of my skin.

And into the arms of a certain redhead.

I opened an eye reluctantly when I felt hands on my shoulders. I was sitting in Kid's lap, legs draped over his, clutching onto his tank-top for dear life. When I realized what I was doing, I quickly let go & moved beside him, blushing like a madman. He snickered to himself, saying something about me being a scaredy-cat & some other nonsense about me wanting to be close to him. I honestly couldn't hear him over the sound of my heart beating against my rib cage. I just sat next to him, too anxious to move really. He didn't seem to mind, as he draped an arm over my trembling shoulders. I didn't seem to mind either, as I didn't move from his hold for the rest of the movie. I'd like to say I was just spooked, but I knew somewhere deep down I liked him holding me like this.

"Remember, I still don't like you." I mumbled as I hugged my knees. He didn't say anything, which I was happy about. I didn't want to have to deal with my conflicting feelings about him just yet. By the time the movie ended I was sufficiently spooked & my adrenaline was through the roof. I checked my phone, at least another hour before midnight.

"Put in another movie, preferably one of the not-horror variety." I texted my dad to be home as quickly as possible as Kid got up to change the disc. I frowned at the lack of warmth at my side. Luckily—or unluckily for my twisted up feelings— he returned to the same position we were in when he sat back down.

I hated him right? He was arrogant & rude, he wasn't my type at all. He was so brash & still; he made my chest feel tight & my thoughts all messed up. It was all so cliché, falling for the football captain. I sighed audibly, breathing in his scent lightly. I was somehow closer now, leaning against his chest as his arm wrapped around me. I was exhausted, physically & mentally. I didn't push away, I nuzzled in closer.

I'd probably regret this tomorrow when I had to ride with him in the morning, or when I got more looks from the football players & certain band members, but right now I was tired & he smelled nice. He was even playing with the ends of my hair, fumbling his fingers against the strands that laid over my shoulder. It was kinda sweet. I didn't even pay attention to the movie, I just closed my eyes & listened to his heart beat.

Then my dad called.

It startled me & I jumped slightly. Kid retracted his arm as got up to answer. "Hey sweetie, I just pulled in the driveway." My dad chimed over the phone.

"Okay, I'm coming." I sighed out, turning to Kid awkwardly. He was standing now, also noticeably awkward. "Thanks for letting me hang out for a while, I'll see you tomorrow I guess." I sputter out, going to grab my things.

"Don't mention it, I'll text you in the morning birdie." He followed me to the door. I gave one final wave before walking outside into the warm night. I sped over to my house to get out from under Kid's gaze. My dad was waiting for me by the door, offering to take my stuff once I got inside. I let him, hugging him in the process.

"I'm just going to go to bed, I felt awkward napping next door." I only half-lied. He wished me sweet dreams & I was free to go. I bee-lined towards my bed, only having enough energy to kick off my shoes before flopping onto it.

I fell asleep almost instantly, inhaling the lingering scent of Kid that clung to my clothes.


Lmao, you're still being a hard-ass who won't come to terms with her feelingsss

but it's oki, it works out eventually

Next chapter will be a couple weeks in the future, school is starting y'all

also the tattoo is the 2nd jolly rodger for the Kid pirates, cuz the flag would have just been too obvious lmao

okay, bye for now ♥️

𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒 𝐴𝑡 𝐹𝑖𝑟𝑠𝑡 𝑆𝑒𝑡 ♥️ {Eustass Kid x Reader}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora