"I-I uh. I can't. I uh. Stay right here. Don't leave this room, you hear me?" he said walking over and placing a kiss on my lips, before running to the door, throwing It open before slamming it shut once more.

I sat there in utter confusion, why would he just run out? Despite his words, I stood up anyways, going to the door. I pulled my socks back up over my thighs as they had fallen down from our advances on each other. I slowly and carefully opened the door, tip toeing to the stairway, crouching down so I could get a good look at the door where I saw Luke standing in the doorway, talking to someone.

"Look Ashley, you need to leave right now." He whisper shouted and I suddenly became very interested.

"Luke you promised we could have some fun today!" She whined and he sighed, running a hand over his face.

"Look, we fooled around before but I can't do it right now." He said and I bit my lip.

"Why not? I had you wrapped around my finger just last week. You promised me we could continue. You said there would be a movie night with the boys tonight." She said, running a hand over his chest.

He didn't even try to move her hand away.

"Listen baby, I know what I saw. But I can't right now, I've got a um. Family over. They came to visit." He said, glancing behind him to make sure the boys weren't anywhere in sight to listen in on him. Little did he know I was hearing and seeing it all.

"Family? That's great! You could introduce them to your girlfriend!" She said happily and I felt my heart snap.

"Darling please not right now, I promise we can hang out tomorrow. Your place, usual time?" He suggested and she sighed but nodded.

"Sound's perfect. Don't forget to bring a condom." She said with a giggle, leaning up and kissing him roughly before walking away and back to her car.

Luke sighed in relief and shut the door, turning and coming back to the staircase. I scoffed and went into his room, leaving the door open as I grabbed my jacket off from the floor, slipping it onto my shoulders before I grabbed my phone. I felt arms slip around my waist and Luke kissed the side of my neck.

"Why is the door open baby girl?" he asked softly. I shrugged him off my shoulders, ignoring him. I felt him stand stiff behind me. I didn't bother turning around as I now had fresh tears on my face. I tried moving past him without looking up but he stopped me by my shoulders, lifting my face up and frowning.

"What's wrong?" he asked innocently and I laughed, pushing his hands off of him.

"Want to know a secret Luke Hemmings." I spat out and he just stared at me.

"All this time I have been denying my feelings for you, because I knew you were just an asshole bartender that sleeps around, but for a second there. Huh. For a second you got me. And I actually was giving myself to you." I said loudly. "Now I know you never changed, this is all just a game to you. You think women are just your little toys. Well reality check Hemmings the world doesn't revolve around you asshole. I'm out of here." I said pushing past him and running down the stairs

"Come back here!" he shouted, running after me but I ignored him and ran to the front door. I grabbed the knob and opened it as he reached the bottom of the steps

"I love you" He said his voice cracking. I stopped in my tracks, frozen by his words. I heard a soft sob from behind me.

"Please don't leave me Genevieve. I love you. I just have a hard time showing it. I've never done relationships before. Please, please say you love me too. Please." He begged, crying. I turned slightly to look at him, he was standing there with tears rushing down his face, bottom lip trembling as he looked at me with eager eyes.

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