To You

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After the crash, everyone had eventually been stranded ashore on the beach nearby. Out of the five bodies that had been beached, Yuliy was the first to wake. Sitting his body up, his sapphire eyes trailed down to the two beside him. 'That's right,' he recalled back to a moment before the crash; '(name) held me and Mikhail prior to the ship crashed.' A feeling of guilt fluttered inside Yuliy's chest. Once again, he put those he cared for in harm's way.

'Maybe if I hadn't met them, this wouldn't have happened.'

That feeling of guilt that wouldn't wash away. It was a pitiful sensation that Yuliy knew everyone would laugh at. Concluding to himself that he needed to leave before the others woke up, Yuliy stood up on a mini journey to find Willard. Even if he was unconscious, Yuliy wanted to see him one last time (ONE LAST TIMMMMMMEEEE! WE'LL teACH THEM HOw TO SaY GOODbYEE).

Finding the professor on the beach, Yuliy bent down on his knee and bowed his head. He couldn't say anything. What was he to say anyways?  Yuliy stood back up, readying himself to leave. That was until a voice shocked him.

"You're not gonna say goodbye?"

Turning on reflex, Yuliy was surprised to see (name) standing there with sad eyes. As if time had stopped, Yuliy's sapphire eyes met with (name)'s (e/c) ones that held a crimson hue below them; all the while, neither said a word, almost as if it was a mental game to see who would speak first.

The winner was quite obvious.

Opening her mouth, (name) repeated her question. "Are you really not going to say goodbye? You're planning to leave... aren't you?" Her voice cracked at the end. The sudden crack of emotion made Yuliy flinch but he knew he couldn't beat around the bush. (Name) knew him too well for that.

With a shameful nod of his head, the Sirius survivor averted his gaze anywhere but the girl in front of him, "...yeah" he exhaled out. It was only for a second but Yuliy decided to glance at (name). Bad idea.

Tears pooled within her cursed (e/c) gems all the while she bit her lip as if to stop herself from crying. Once again, guilt piled up inside Yuliy's chest upon looking at the younger one. 'There are so many things I want to say to you. Gratitude. Love. Pain. I want to express all of my past and current feelings to you.' Yuliy thought in agony.

'But if I did that now, there would be no way I would be able to leave.'

His mental state was at war right now. Should he tell (name) his feelings and leave relieved with his feelings or should he not tell (name) his feelings and leave with the guilt that someone could potentially take her away?

Which was the less hurtful one-

"I hope you're not thinking of ways to leave me behind, Yuliy." (Name)'s voice rang through the Sirius' ears as he looked at her. Almost as if his eyes were betraying him, his gaze revealed his hidden intention of him leaving.

Eyes widening in anger, (name) walked closer to Yuliy before clenching her fist and colliding it with Yuliy's cheek. Due to both shock and the force of (name)'s action, the older of the two staggered for a second, eyes wide.

It took a moment for Yuliy to regain his composure but it took him milliseconds to understand how mad (name) was. Her fist was more than enough to explain her seething rage.

"There you go, again!"

She shouted confusing the freshly injured teen. When he was about to open his mouth to speak, the half-vampire beat him to it with "and don't you dare say that you don't want to involve me any more than you have!" That shut Yuliy up right there.

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