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Bishop had gotten (name) to compose herself... somewhat.

The sixteen-year-old sat on a rock near the edge of the land as her legs bounced anxiously while Bishop was standing calmly beside her. "He'll be fine. He's alright. He's able to defend himself. He always does. Besides it's Yuliy- he's obviously okay. He has to be." Hearing (name) trying to ease herself with results of her frantic state increasing made Bishop pity the girl.

She had faith in the Sirius. A trembling one. As she believed in him, she also worried about him. It must be a hard feeling to deal with seeing as to how her hands rubbed her arms, leg bounced, and her eyes constantly gazed upon the red lake.

Right before he could try to comfort her, the ground shook vigorously and the body of water glowed brightly; "what the hell?" Bishop questioned as (name) stood up on her feet with cautious eyes. 'Yuliy... did you do it?'

Then there was a beam of light. Along with the shaking getting rougher, the beam became brighter. The beam of light shot through the starry sky and that only raised the two's curious state even after the light deminished.

Without any warning, the water vaporized revealing a huddled up Yuliy with his hands clutched but his eyes opened revealing its clarity. Bishop couldn't even spare a single thought of him before (name) ran to the edge of the land and leaped onto Yuliy the very second he stood up. "Woah!" Yuliy chocked out at the sudden weight that knocked him off his feet.

Once he made sure the two were alright, Bishop saw the half-vampire's arms wrapped around the Sirius' neck while his arms did the same. At first, everything was quiet but that didn't last long; "(name)" Yuliy breathed out in astonishment.

"Don't scare me like that again."

(Name) mumbled into the Sirius' neck as he hugged her tighter. Afraid that if he let go, she would disappear. "I did it." He said with triumph; "I talked to my father and got the Ark" his voice slightly cracked. "I know and I'm proud of you" (name) mumbled looking into Yuliy's eyes that watered.

Sapphire eyes met (e/c) ones as their color reflected within one another's. Their deep gaze didn't falter until Bishop coughed behind them, "we should get going, don't you think?" The blonde casually asked looking away. With a soft blush on their face, the two agreed sheepishly as they separated.

Eventually as they made their way out from where they came from, the trio met up with Ryoko and Iba. "Did you get the Ark, Yuliy?" Iba questioned after ignoring a remark from Bishop. On cue, Yuliy reached into his coat taking out the Ark revealing its size.

"That's it?" Iba asked unimpressed; "humans and vampires have gone into a frenzy searching for this, and my father sacrificed himself to seal away this meaningless thing." His harsh tone and relentless words surprised everyone. He's been so pent up about the Ark belonging to the Sirius that you think he would've been a bit more happier to have gotten the damn thing.

But that wasn't the case. The fact that this single orb of power caused so many hardships for so many people was unforgivable. All this just to gain the power of the Ark? It's ridiculous!

Feeling a sense of urgency, Iba decided to cut through Yuliy's emotions by saying "I'd love to hear more detail but we're in a hurry" somewhat calmly. His statement reminded Ryoko of what they saw on their way inside, "oh, that's right! There's a big airship coming this way" to which Bishop mentioned that it must've been Yevgraf. Immediately, (name) put all the pieces together.

The reason why the vampire twins attacked the old man. The reason why Yevgraf was after Yuliy.

"They were waiting for Yuliy to get the Ark."

Her (e/c) orbs widened. Ryoko suggested that they run but Yuliy being Yuliy. Decided he would try to end the fight alone as he pushed through the two humans. That's when Bishop grabbed Ryoko, pointing his gun at her head; "hold on, Yuliy" he announced. Looking back at Bishop, Yuliy was shocked seeing what the blonde was doing. "You can go alone and get yourself killed for all I care, but leave the Ark" at this point everyone was either confused or putting pieces of the puzzle together.

"So you finally reveal your true identity. British Secret Intelligence Service."

"The Japanese Special Service Agency is quiet shrewd too, I see."

Did the two former Jaegers feel betrayed? Not really, Willard didn't smell like blood and he's been with the Jaegers longer than Yuliy has. They've also learned over the years to not completely trust what someone says for there might come a day they try to betray you. Yuliy and (name) were the only exceptions to each other; they didn't mind telling one other their secrets.

With the air suffocating in tensity, (name) and Yuliy exchanged quick glances. Not a word was to be said for them to understand one another. 'Well? Got a plan, Yuliy?' (Name) wondered with a slightly raised brow. She didn't want to raise any sort of suspicion from Iba or Bishop and neither did Yuliy so they just made small gestures that deemed to be natural.

For example, the Sirius tilted his head up slightly signaling that, yes, he had a plan. A simple one really; talk to Bishop. A feasible accomplishment if only they learned the truth and the truth they were given.

"You used Yuliy. Didn't you?" (Name) asked suspiciously while displaying a look of betrayal on her face. Bishop found it amusing, not being to tell the difference of her true emotions and her fake ones for show; "it was quite a detour but I didn't have much of a choice did I? After all, only a Sirius can break the spell- and he did just that!" The blonde man boasted.

No. This wasn't the Bishop they knew. And by the look in his eyes, he didn't hold a gaze of an agent- not anymore.

"You're lying."

Yuliy chimed up casually; "I've known you weren't a Jaeger and that you're certainly no longer a British spy." The Sirius' statement confused Iba as he looked to the blonde man who only chuckled. Not even a second later, Bishop's eyes turned from a beautiful blue to a crimson red much like the bottom half of (name)'s eyes.

Grinning widely, Bishop revealed his fangs- the fangs (name), herself, hated. Noises of confusion could be heard from the two humans; but not only confusion- fear was evident in their voices. This single monster whom has caused them trouble had turned out to be one of their 'allies'.

"(Name). Yuliy. The other day, what went down?" Bishop glared at the two who gave each other looks; meanwhile Ryoko and Iba were both confused. What did Bishop mean? Surely, nothing happened. Right? "When (name) was tumbling around in the hotel, I could see the agony on her face. I've only seen that look on vampires who are so in need of blood. Then I heard the soft sounds of thumping before the smell of blood flew in the air. I didn't think too much of it until I looked a little closer at the nape of Yuliy's neck. It's not visible if you don't take your time to look but there are two small scars- fang marks."

Knowing where he was getting to, everyone's eyes widened as they turned to look at (name) (minus Yuliy who was already looking at her) with shocked eyes.

"You bit him that night. Didn't you?"

"(Name)-san. Are you a... vampire?"

_(:D」┌)⁼³₌₃ _(:D」┌)⁼³₌₃ _(:D」┌)⁼³₌₃

Sup goobers! Another half-assed chapter, I know but I'm really tired and I swear I'll fix this later on.

Guess who turned 16 todayyyyy~ that's right! Me! *insert sarcasm* Yay~~

Today's my birthday yet it doesn't feel like it. This entire day didn't feel like my birthday. Idk why but I just feel like it's just another day- and it is for a lot of people and I know I should be like "SWEET SIXTEEENNNN!!! YESSSS! YESSSSSSSS! Suck my ass you moles!" But I'm of "I'm 16? I thought I was still 13."

¯\_( ◉ 3 ◉ )_/¯ idk

All my 16+ year olds, how did you feel when it was your sweet 16?

That's all for today goobers. I'll see you next time~ (hopefully the next chapter comes out better)

I totally don't imagine Mikhail X Yuliy as a Manhwa

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