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Within time, the snowstorm ceased and the sun began to rise. As the sun shined through the fluffy white clouds above, the trio had finally reached the peak of the mountain. Bishop opened Yuliy's map to confirm their location; taking a quick glance, (name) the looked down towards the path leading into the entrance of the mountain below them.

"I'm assuming that's it," Bishop announced to the two beside him. Guiding themselves downwards, Yuliy, (name), and Bishop thrived towards their destination perseveringly. When they had finally made their way onto the path of the entrance; "alright, let's go" Bishop stated as the duo walked behind him.

Realizing how dark it was inside, Bishop created a torch with a thick stick and his lighter. Upon having a light source, the trio observed carvings that were implemented on the walls. Deeper down continuous stairwells, the air got denser and eerier; "sure feels like the Ark could be down here" he said as they went deeper.

Further down the path, a red hued light shined through the exit of this dark tunnel of stairs and carvings. "I'm getting a dangerous vibe" spoke Bishop who threw his torch to the side. In front of the trio, a red lake laid before them which seemed to the the source of the red light.

Wasting no time at all, Yuliy walked up towards said lake with (name) watching with worry. She was anxious to know what would happen next. As Bishop took a seat and lit his cigar, Yuliy took a step into the unknown water source. Unfortunately and shockingly, the water burned.

A hiss of pain could be heard from him causing (name) to take steps in his direction "Yuliy..." she called out uneasily. Watching as the Sirius took more steps, getting more deeper worried the (h/c)nette greatly. But then, what could she do? If a Sirus was the only one who could get the Ark, then she, as a vampire, could do nothing but sit back and support him.

Yet, her heart ached when she watched him hiss in pain. The moment he fell to his knees and steam rised, she ran to the edge shouting out his name along with Bishop who made his way up to her.

Despite the pain of the burning water, Yuliy pushed back the pain striving to gain knowledge he, for so long, seeked. The knowledge of his tribe, his father. The Ark.

Without warning, a large wave raised into the air before crashing down on him. Reacting to the falling water, both (name) and Bishop got a safe distance away; "Yuliy!" The half-vampire began to shout running her way to the water. Her chest squeezed with an uncomfortable feeling. Her lungs started to cave in with distress and she felt like she was about to collapse.

Seeing her get too close to the red water for comfort, Bishop raced towards her, grabbing her hand, holding her back; "woah there, you know what's gonna happen to you if you make contact with the water right? You saw Yuliy- even he had trouble." He said. In an attempt to not let (name) fall into the mysterious body of water, Bishop pulled on the half-vampire's arm in his direction as he eased her into backing away from the red lake.

Meanwhile, Yuliy had just opened his eyes upon getting flashbacks. Flashbacks that didn't belong to him. "Did you learn everything you wanted to know, Yuliy?" A man with snow-white hair with clear blue eyes and two scars on the left side of his face that could only belong to one man, "father."

As Alexei placed his hand on his son's face, he could see a trace of hurt, betrayal, and awe in the eyes of his son. "Everything that happened has been given to you. If that's all you wanted, go on home" he said, getting up and walking away.

Caught off guard by his father's suggestion pushed himself up, telling his father to wait. Seeing the man stop in his tracks, Yuliy took this as his moment to ask what was on his mind. He was going to speak his mind. Just like (name) said.

It's Complicated {{Yuliy X Reader}}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum