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Before they even knew it, the sun had started its reign once again, the three tracked their way downstairs where they were met with the fire department who watered away the fire. Upon viewing the destruction of his mansion, the Baron became devastated; so being the kind man he was, Willard offered the help of his team which the father gratefully accepted.

While the two men exchanged words, Ryoko observed the Sirius who was getting treated by Dorthea "I swear, you two are so reckless" the woman scolded the two injured teenagers who either nodded or chuckled. Completing wrapping the two half-humans up, Dorthea walked away; "Yuliy." turning in the direction of Willard, who called, the two looked at each other before Yuliy made his way to the professor. "(Name). I've told you this already but there might've been something I forgot to tell you;" confused, (name) had also advanced to the professor, following him somewhere where no one else would hear their conversation. 

Willard had told the two of how he discovered the Ark and what he heard the Ark was- basically everything he told (name) three nights before; "my father must've known what the Ark was and took it away from the village" Yuliy mentioned. "As far I know, the Ark of Sirius must be protected by the Sirius bloodline" Willard stated with a solemn look that (name) caught onto in a flash, "Yuliy is the only remaining Sirius meaning you want him to go find it before the vampires do." (Name) announced as a worried look decorated her face. 

" 'Do something that only you can do.' " 

The two looked at the said Sirius who spoke of his brother, who said those words to him. "If protecting the Ark is something I can do for my dead family and not kill vampires... then I'll do it" the look in Yuliy's eyes were so clear- as clear as the sky without clouds. 

Willard nodded his head saying that if that is what Yuliy wanted to do, then he could but he didn't have much time left because the vampire that truly wanted the Ark was Yevgraf- a name (name) never wanted to hear of again. Seeing the (h/c)nette's sweaty and shivering state, the Sirius asked if she was okay, "oh uh... yeah. I'm fine- just a little cold" she forced a smile. 

The trio talked a bit more before going off to help everyone else work and fix the mansion. With an armful of burnt wood, Yuliy carried the material to the side. Gazing over to (name), his brow lightly arched as he watched the (h/c) haired girl kind of zombie her way around while bags hung under her eyes. 'I didn't notice her bags till now. Perhaps it was too dark so I couldn't see them.'  Yuliy told himself. 

Deciding to take a short break, the seventeen-year-old walked up to (name) "hey, you alright? You look like you're going to collapse" he questioned caringly. The (h/c) haired girl gazed up at the older teen telling him that she was fine which made him even more worried. Debating whether or not to leave the girl or not, Yuliy watched (name) for a little while longer to see if he needed to carry her to bed. 

Hesitantly, Yuliy began to turn away "I'll be over there if you need me," he said before walking away leaving (name) be. Time flew by and everyone eventually finished rebuilding the mansion; Dorthea had gone to pay the construction workers while Fallon, Philip, and (name) went to the room. 

Yuliy eventually followed but when he got to the room, he was told that (name) headed to bed. The Sirius made his way to his bed believing that the (h/c) head was sleeping there- and indeed she was. 

(H/c) hair sprawled on his bed, her knees up to her chest with her face holding such a soft expression. Yuliy's hand covered his blushing face as he gazed upon the appearance of (name) who put every flower to shame. Kneeling beside his bed, the sapphire-eyed teen stared at (name)'s sleeping face letting himself get lost in her features that were illuminated by the sun.

Seeing how peaceful she was, Yuliy thought about the moments he had with (name). Sure, if you thought about it, four years wasn't as long as ten years but the Sirius thought that it didn't matter how long you knew someone. He's shown (name) his worst sides before and that just made them closer. Same with (name); she's shown Yuliy so many vulnerable sides of her that he felt as if she trusted him with anything. 

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