Just What It Means

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Bus after bus. Street after street. (Name) had searched almost every road and street in Shanghai to find the place Willard had written down only to not find anything. Just how hard was it to find this place; "Red Street. Where the hell is it?" The frustrated teen exhaled deeply while reading over the address for the thousandth time to make she didn't get the name wrong.

"Red Street? Why are you heading there? It's not really a place for someone like you to go to," spinning her body around, (e/c) eyes with bags under then met the hazel eyes of a woman who had a traditional green Chinese dress that hugged her hourglass figure. Concluding that she was the one who spoke up, (name) gave the woman a skeptical look "pardon me, ma'am but I have some important business with the man who lives in Red Street." Said (name) with a low voice.

The woman didn't smell like a vampire, that's something the teenager was sure of. A giggle left the stranger as she took out a fan, flapping it open and covering her face; "my~ you came here not knowing what Red Street was? Hun, Red Street is a bar- not a road." A shocked expression decorated itself across (name)'s face while an amused one danced on the woman's. Of course! Why hadn't (name) thought of that? Willard went out to drink so it should've been obvious!

Whether it was three, four, or five times, (name) bowed to the woman in gratitude "thank you so much! If you could point in the direction of the bar, I would be in your debt." The sixteen-year-old bowed again; her gratitude seemed to have an effect on the woman because she smiled, "no problem, dear; and the direction of the bar is right beside you" looking to the side, (name) saw the sign 'Red Street Bar'.

(E/c) and red eyes widen in relief, "welcome to my bar, (name). I am Chen Fei Hong; Willard told me you were coming," the woman who introduced herself as Chen Fei Hong, extended her hand out for a handshake which (name) gladly accepted. "Wait. Your bar? Forgive me for assuming you were a man!" The teenager blurted with an embarrassed blush making Fei Hong laugh. Excusing the teen's mistake, the bar owner brought the teen inside while greeting her staff.

Leading the teen up the stairs and into her personal room, Fei Hong gave (name) a satchel; "never did I think I'd have to give this back to Willard. Take care of it, (name)." She said with a worried gaze. Trying to ease the Chinese woman's insecurity, (name) nodded and said "don't worry. I will" in a determined tone. Before (name) had left the bar, Fei Hong offered her a shot; accepting the offer, the (h/c)nette took one shot before heading out. 

Not feeling like walking anymore, (name) jumped on top of a moving car and whenever she saw another car going the way she was headed, she would bounce to that one and so forth. It wasn't long until the girl made it to the port. Jumping off the final car, (name) landed on the ground, making her way to the man who stood at the bottom of the bridge that connected the boat to the port.

(Name) walked to the man with her instrument case in hand and the satchel that hung on her shoulder; greeting the man and showing the said man her ticket before boarding the ship back to Japan. When the ship left the port and set about in the water, a sickening feeling bloomed in the half-vampire's stomach, like she should hurry back- that something bad might happen. But the others were there, everything would be fine... right?

The sun was at the point of setting and the churning feeling in (name)'s abdomen hadn't left. Something was telling her to go- to warn Yuliy and the others that something grave was about to happen but it's not like she could contact them. Not yet at least. Watching the water being cut through by the ship, (name) watched the ocean reflect the mixed color of the sky as she felt her eyes get heavy, 'oh yeah, I said I would sleep on my way back. I'll be in Japan in about forty-five minutes so it won't do me much. Maybe when I get back I'll let myself sleep.' (Name) sighed to herself. She just wanted to cuddle with Yuliy and fall asleep in his arms; that sounded like heaven right now so if she could power through in the meantime then it'd all be worth it. 

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