Diary of (M/N)

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Still in the air, (name) took a quick glance at Mikhail. She wanted to ask something but now wasn't the time. Then again, this might be the last time they see each other so she might as well speak now. "Hey Mikhail," she started "that day... why did you ask me to go with you?" Mikhail's cloudy ice-blue eyes turned to look at the shorter framed girl, "why, huh?" He repeated (name)'s question in his head a few times.

"Let's day I was intrigued."

Was all he said before pointing out the entrance of the blimp. Both vampires got in with ease as they looked around for guards. None. The place was deserted. (Name) gazed around before a sudden thought came to mind; "Mikhail, I have a request. Can you tell me where Yevgraf's quarters are?" She asked the surprised man. He never expected her to want to go where the man she hated rest. "Uh... sure" Mikhail stumbled over his thoughts. Did he really want to tell her where Yevgraf rested? What would she do if she got there? Mikhail wasn't sure but he had to have faith in (name).

"It's at the top floor at the end of the hall to your right. Don't worry about getting lost- the best way is to look the door." Mikhail instructed while pointing in said directions. (Name) took mental notes and nodded her head "then what will you do?" She wondered; "me? I'll go to Yevgraf- I have a pretty good idea where he is." And with that the two split up. Mikhail on his way to Yevgraf and (name) on her way to Yevgraf's room.

(Name)'s POV

The first I did was find a set of stairs leading up. Since I can't fly, it'll take me a bit longer to find Yevgraf's room compared to if I could fly.

Alright. Mikhail said top floor then go right all the way to the end of the hall. My stomach was much better so running wasn't too hard on me- thank god I'm inhuman! I quickly navigated my way to Yevgraf's room (or where Mikhail said it was) by carefully looking at each door.

I turned to the side and I indeed saw a door slightly different from the others. It appeared more clean and perhaps more decorated. Making my way closer to the hinged barrier, I checked if it was locked.

It was.

But that didn't stop me- more like it motivated me. Taking a single step back, I took a deep breath in. 1... 2... 3! I charged to the door, pounding my entire weight onto it. When that didn't work out, I did it again- this time I incorporated my weight and my strength.

Successfully, the door fell- me with it. My body ached from my forceful entrance but what could I do? I didn't have the key or anything.

Looking around, everything was painted in the moon's soft light. I could see a large bed near the window, a desk on the other side, two bookshelves, a nightstand, and a bunch of dead flowers. This couldn't be Yevgraf's room... could it? But it was the only door that was different.

My feet moved on their own as they guided me to a bookshelf. For some reason, they intrigued me. I studied each cover that were decorated with either gold or silver banding. These must've been special books. Thinking there might've been something like a secret passageway, I shook the bookcase- only to have a book fall on my head instead. Rubbing my head, I let out a groan of pain before focusing my attention on the book that fell.

I bent down to grab the book and noticed the book to be made out of leather. But the thing that stuck out most to me was when I blew the dust off the book. The title.

Diary of (m/n)

Was I curious? Yes. Did I consider reading it? Yes. Did I? Yes

I opened the book to a random page and read the first article written.

December 17

I had escaped that blimp once again but I didn't regret it. I can feel it becoming more stuffy and intoxicating so a little change in scenery would hurt. Or so I thought.

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