[45] I Want You Back Part 2

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Pete POV

For Budha. Namo Buddhaya. Thanks God. Finally the person I have been searching for is showing up himself from his hiding. That person was calling me and told me where he is. But before that, I did scold him and threat him to murder him if he is behaving like this again. Made me worry so much about him. But... I shuldn't angry to him. Not right now at least.

Enough about complaining. 

Here I am looking for where him about. Gotcha. I see him from afar. He is standing there looking at the ocean. I don't know what is the interesting thing to look to somewhere you can't see its end. But honestly, he is look so good with the view. Sad but cool. The dusk, orange. Beautiful yet very sad when you pair that beautiful view with him who look so sad and gloomy.

Ok, here I come. Clenched fist, walk faster. Ready to land a punch on his face. Yes, that was the idea in my mind before he ruins it. Yes, he ruins my plan to punish him with my fist. He smiles at me when he sees me walk to him. And before I could punch him, he burries himself on me. Hugging me like he never wants to let me go. That sudden attack from him makes me speechless and forget about the idea that I had in the beginning before meet him.

"I am sorry, Pete" His voice is shaking and sad. I am soft. I can't say anything and also I can't be mad at him anymore. The anger I have is fading away when I hear his voice. And without I am realising, I am hugging him back and pat his back like telling him if it is alright. No need to be sorry anymore.

"I am sorry too, P"

I just let him hugs me till he feels better. I don't know how long it might be but I don't care. He can do it as long as he wants. At least this is the thing I can do for him right now. The thing I can do to help him feel better. I guess.

Now we are sitting on the sand. Looking at the sun that gonna set soon. From people view, I think we are look like a couple who enjoy the sunset. But no, we are not. Maybe we are? But I think we are not. Not me of course because my mind can't enjoy every single minute that sun sets. My mind is keep wondering about the person who is sitting beside me. He still not says anything and here I am waiting for him to say something.

"Are you hungry/You ok, P?" We ask each other at the same time.

"Wait...wait..." I tell him, "After being silent to death for so long and you just asking me if I am hungry?" He nods, "God, I am just wasting my time!"

I get up and feel angry with him. How he asked such a stupid thing like that. He made me worried and yet, he only asked me if I am hungry or not. Hell, he is stupid! I walk away.

"And no!" I turn to face him, "I am not hungry, you stupid!"

"Are you mad?" What? Is he joking at me right now? Doesn't he know? Is he blind not to see how angry I am right now?

"I am, angry? No! Who said I am angry! I am not angry!" I walk away again but he follows. Not saying anything or trying to stop me. He is just following me. Thats it.

Right. I can't hold it any longer. The anger just got on my head and ready to explode. I turn again. Face him with a murder stare.

"Yes! I am angry! Why?" My voice is reaching the high note I think, "Because of a stupid boy who was hiding and I worried about him. I tried to call him but he didn't answer me. I tried to text him but he didn't read it. So, yes! I am angry because I am worried about him. But you know what? I am worried for nothing!"

He doesn't say anything. Not showing any regret or something. But he is smiling then giggling like there is something funny in what I said. What?! Is he challenging my limit?

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