[35] When You Care About Me, It Is Hurt

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Than POV


"I think you need to stop it here. Stop everything here because I don't want you to be hurt anymore"

At first I don't know what he is talking about. And I thought he was talking about my feeling for him but then I realise where he brings me. At first I want to curse him for giving me command to stop or not really care about my feeling for him but then, the surrounding makes me realise what he meant.

He takes me to my house, or maybe I should call it my parent house where my dad, brother and my lil sister live. He looks at me like he is telling me to go inside and talk to my family. I know he wants me to tell my family about me is going to final match next week. 

"Go inside. I will wait you here"

I hesitate. Don't really want to go inside. It is so awkward for me to meet my father. I haven't been talk to him since last time he came to visit me at the dorm. Not to mention how will he act when he sees me. I think we will end up fighting each other or having an argument again, just like usually we are.

"Than?" P'Top comes from I don't know where. He is wearing white. Well, he likes white and because he is soon to be a doctor, so white is his other half I guess. White is pure but in this world, there is no pure thing. So, I don't really believe in something like that. White is pure? Such a nonsense.

I wai at him. Show him the respect I have for him as my big brother. Well, he deserve to be respected because he is so kind and caring brother for me. He understands me the most and always support my decision. Whatever I choose, he always support me and give me courage to do the best I can.

"P'Top, I made to final. Do you know that?" Suddenly I am become excited like a lil boy who just won a game. He smiles at me and ruffles my hair like he usually does when I was kid, like when I was five.

"I know. You act like I didn't watch it" He smiles ear to ear. Listening him said that makes me smile too. I know he won't miss any single update of me on the competition. He always keep an update about the competition everyday, everytime.

"Come and watch me na~" He promises me then start to act as my real brother. Asking me if I am living fine, if my money is enough or not and ect. Well, he is indeed my brother after all. The angel brother I always admire since I was kid. He tells me to wait and come back after went to house. He backs with a huge plastic bag. He gives it to me. The plastic bag is full of chocolates and some fruits. He tells me to share it with my team mates.

"Please take care of my brother" He asks P'Puen. I don't know why he should said that to him. It is embarrassing. You know, I feel like I am just a little kid who needs to take care of. P'Puen just nods as a promise. Yeah, I take that as a promise. Maybe? 

I excuse myself to leave and wai to P'Top. P'Puen wai to him too then start to drive away. We are going somewhere. Wait a minute, where is exactly we are going? Where he wants to take me? Should I ask him?

"We are going to my home. You said you don't want to go back to your home, so I take you to my home. You can sleep there for some nights"

Wait, what? His home? He wants to take me to his home tonight. Well, I don't mind at all but I am not ready. And sleep in his home, on the same bed? Oh, my mind can't take it. It is too dangerous to think about it. And my heart, I don't want have a heart attack when something happen.

"Wha...what? You...your home?"

I am not ready! What if something happen? What if I can't control myself? What if I see something I shouldn't see? What if I wish something happen? Ermm, the last one, I didn't mean to wish something happen between us. It is just...you know... Arghhh... Forget it!

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