[34] Happiness Unhappiness

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Than POV


I don't know how and why P'Singha is here. He said he is looking for me but I don't know the reason he is doing that. He said he was worrying about me. But why worry about me? Does he know if I am heart broken?

I am looking at Pete who is sitting beside me. He gives me confusion look like he is telling me he doesn't know what happens too. He also has questions in his head about this. Why P'Singha is here and what happens?

"You should eat much" He puts some meats on my plate, "Eat this too"

We are on food stall. P'Singha insist us to go with him and have dinner. He pays for us. Well, we doesn't want to be rude so we follow him. He is being nice to us, so there is no reason to resfuse it.

"It is ok, P. I feel like don't want to eat"

"Why? You are acting like someone just broke your heart"

I am become silent. Pete too. I know he is looking at me with his worry face. I don't want to know how is his face look like but strangely, I can imagine he is wearing his worry face.

I feel a light flick on my forehead. It is not so hard so it is not even hurting me. It just makes me surprise. That is P'Singha who is doing that to me. He looks at me like he is being mad?

"Don't conclude anything by yourself because what you saw maybe wasn't the real truth"

"But I saw...."

"You saw what?" I don't answer him because I don't have courage to hear the truth from him, "If you want to know, all you need to do is ask then you will know the truth"

"But what if I am not ready to hear the truth"

"Well, you can choose to be dumb and get hurt because of your own conclusion"


"No talking again. Now eat" He smiles and put another meat to my plate and also do the same to Pete, "And thank you Pete for taking care of him for me. Because you have done good job, I have gift for you later"

"What gift?"

"You will know soon and I know you will love it" He gives him a mischievous smile.

You know when he gives you that smile, you won't like it. And I think Pete won't like it too. But I am curious, what it is gonna be? Is it something big? A big surprise?

Well, we find out the answer after we finish our foods. Someone is coming and approach us. He sits beside P'Singha, in front of Pete. Looking at him and smile. And what my friend do? He just trying to ignore him. I know he is happy but knowing his character, he doesn't want to show how happy he is. So, he is just playing cool.

"P'Singha, where is my gift you have promised?"

P'Singha looks at Pete then looks at P'Nai who is standing beside him. Well, everyone knows where is the gift that P'Singha has promised him at but you know, Pete is refusing if that is the gift for him.

"Can't you see someone who is smiling from ear to ear that standing beside you? That is the gift I want to give to you"

"I refuse. You can take it back. I don't need it"

P'Nao is placing his arm around Pete's shoulder and pulls him close. Pete tries to escape but P'Nao uses so much power to trap him in his arm.

"Don't mind him, he is just being shy" P'Nao tells us, "I will take care of this cutie. And you, please walk him back to the dorm. Someone might be dying in hunger if he doesn't go back"

Grinding Spike [ 5 to 13 ] -- DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now