[16] So Close Yet So Far

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Than POV

I am sorry because this late update
I was busy doing my daily thing, which is being lazy 😅
And I am watching new lakorn : What The Duck The Series 😁
I like this series, OatxPop is so funny
PreexRamboo is cute couple
I got Phana's vibe from P'Pree, but Pree is more cool I think 😎
I like Mo... She is godess, hope she won't get hurt so much when Pop turns gay for Oat. I kinda feel sorry for her 😢

Sorry for this nonsense talking
Here is your update
Enjoy reading 😊


We move to semi final. It is a good thing but same time it is a bad thing. Good thing is we are so close to win this competition and the bad thing is we will against St. Sebastian in semi final match. I don't know what happen between these seniors with P'Sing. They seem like want to have match with him so bad. I don't know what they want to show to him. Are they hating him? For what reason? I am so curious about it.

"Do you know why our senior want to have match with St. Sebastian so bad?" I ask Pete who has lunch with me. He shakes his head.

"Maybe because they lose over them last year?"

Really? But why the seem more want to defeat P'Sing than win the game?

"Ah, I remember now. You know P'Singha, the setter from St. Sebastian?" I nod, "He is the former of this team, our team. He is the former setter for P'Puen but he moved to St. Sebastian last year, one month after the match"

"So, the seniors are P'Sing friends?"

"P'Sing?" He confuses, "Oooo... P'Singha? Yeah. I heard P'Puen and him uses to be so close. Like brothers"

So, that is why P'Puen hates him so much. Because he feels betrayed by P'Sing.

"How do you know about this?"

"P'Nao told me" He says without realising anything wrong with his word. When he realises it, he is stop eating and his eyes wide opens look at me. I give him smirk.

"P'Nao, huh?"

"What?! No!!!"

"So, what P'Nao did beside told you about this issue? And, how far your relationship with him?"

"What are you talking about? Such a nonsese!"

"Really?" I whisper to him, "How do you feel about your first kiss with him?"

"You!!!" He yells so loud and makes everyone turns to look at us. He bow his head try to hide.

"Talk anymore, I will tell P'Puen to kill you!" He threatens me, "Beside, it wasn't our first time" he murmurs but I can hear it clearly.

"What?!!! You have been kissed him before??"

Everyone looks at us again. Pete look so embarrassed. I can see how he wants to hide himself or disappear from here as soon as possible. His face becomes so red.

I feel sorry for him. Yeah, I have to because this is my fault to make him feel embarrassed.


When we are busy with the laundry, P'Leng comes and tells us an update about the competition. He tells us if St. Sebastian lose in quarter final, but still the move to semi final. Because they lose, we won't meet them in semi final and the seniors seem don't like it. They want to meet them so bad. They want to have match with P'Sing. Prove him what they want to prove.

"It is good thing" P'Puen says, "We will meet then in final match"

And everyone expression is lighten up. They believe in what P'Puen said. Like he has power and controls the emotion of our team mates.

Grinding Spike [ 5 to 13 ] -- DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now