[44] I Want You Back Part 1

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Hello everyone
Meet with me again, Nao
Yes... You are not wrong
NAO is here

What? Why I am here?
Well... Because I won't be in this chapter and to pay the longing you got for me, so I steal this session just to say hello to y'all

And yes, I know you missed me so much but sorry guys, I am taken
I only and only miss my boo
My psycho Nong... PETE

Ok, mission completed
I am leaving now
And enjoy the sory


Pete POV

Thing is getting messy. Everything is messed up. Everyone is messing up. I am not a part of team anymore but I can't take my heart away from it. I just can't take my mind out of it. They face problem. They are in crisis right now. Why I could tell like that? Because I witnessed the fight between seniors with P'Puen, then Than with him too. I bet everyone is hating him right now. Maybe not hate. Disappoint.

Can't blame them if they are so disappoint with him after what he just said to them. After how he behaved in front of them. You can't blame them when they feel disappoint or hate someone who they tought best friend but he left them. He throws them away like they are nothing. I wonder if they have been mean something for him.

I can understand how hurt they got. Even I can feel his pain too when I see his sad face. He was tried so hard to hold his tear. He tried so hard not to let his anger out. He tried to remain calm but I know, his heart is aching. His heart is broken into pieces. It makes me want to console him or just be with him, share my shoulder for him to cry. But I couldn't do that. If you blame me because the pride of mine, no it is not like that. I couldn't go to him because I am stuck to where I am hiding because there was fighting between Than and his P. I couldn't just came out and told them to ignore me. No, of course it would be so awkward. And when I have a chance to try to find him, he is no where to be found. Even P'Leng and P'Jern are out from our sight. They are like disappearing.

And here I am now. In my room, rolling around and being worried about him. I have been trying to call him since in the school but he never answer. I texted him but he didn't read all my text. How dare him make me worried like this? How dare him not to answer my call? How dare him not to read every text I sent to him. How dare...

A bell stops me from cursing him in my head. I run to open the door but find someone else there. Not him but someone else. Someone who I expect will come to me today. Maybe he just needs someone to company him. Just stay beside him and say nothing. Just being there with him is enough for him, I guess.

"Do you wanna shoulder or chest?" I ask him, "But don't cry because I don't want you make my shirt dirty"

"Thanks for the cheer" He is being sarcastic.

"I am glad I can help you" He just go in and throw himself on the couch. Burry his face on it.

"If you wanna die, don't burry your face on my couch. It is expensive. I don't want my parent scold me because I let you make it costless" He gets up. Looking at me with an angry face then lay down again but now he is laying down on his right side, still facing me who is sitting across him.

"So...." I am waiting for him to say something or do anything but no. He keep quiet. "Don't you wanna cry?"

"I am tired to cry for him, Pete" He says with a very desperate voice, "I am tired... I am..." He is silent after that.

"Who said you to cry for him? I mean, you can cry if you can't hold your sadness any longer. Or you can shout your anger if you can't suppress it anymore"

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