[36] Open Up

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Than POV


Please don't leave me

That words keep playing on my mind. I can't sleep. Eventho my body feels tired but my mind still wandering around. Can't stop thinking of those magical words he said to me.

Don't leave me

Something that I never thought I will hear from his mouth. He is asking me not to leave him. He needs me. He needs my present in his life. He wants me to be with him. Does he?

I lay down on his bed, beside him. Looking at the ceiling. Don't dare to take a peak on his side. My heart is beating fast. My mind is blank. I feel like a man without soul. This situation is bad for my heart but it feels good too. If I am dying now, I will die in peace. Maybe?

"P'Puen..." I call him but no answer. Maybe he is sleeping. Should I look at him or maybe just take a peak from the corner of my eyes? It won't harm anyone, right?

"You can't sleep?" Finally he is saying something before I want to take a peak on him. I nod as answer. I don't know he sees it or not because it is dark inside his room. Well, the light is turned off.


Why? You are asking me why? Can't you tell yourself? You and me on same bed. Just the two of us. So close. And you are asking me why? Doesn't he aware about my feeling for him? Why he is so dense?

But, is it really he dense? He told me not to leave him before. Is he having a feeling for me? Or is it just my imagination?

"You live alone, here?" I try to change the subject.

"Why? You want to move here?"

Really? Can I? Well, I want to say those words but after what I have been through because this feeling, I restrain myself for saying stupid thing like that. I don't want to make another mistake. I don't want to be hurt.


"Why? Don't you like to live with me?"

What's with that ambiguous question? Is he asking me to live with him, like we are living together? As a couple. Or, he just wants to have a room mate?

"Where is your parent? Do they live in another place?" I change the subject again. He pauses for while, doesn't answer my question. I look at him. He is looking straight at the ceiling. His face look strain. He sighs after that.

"I don't know and I don't want to know. And if they aren't dead but it seems like it"

So harsh. His answer is showing how much he hates his parent. Why? Why he is having so much hate for his parent? What did they do to him to get that harted from him?


"What the hell with this all question from you?"

"Well, I...." I try to find an excuse, "I just want to know. To know you better"

I feel he is moving, going so close to me. Slant sleep, looking at me. I can feel he is staring at me eventho the room is dark. It makes me feel uneasy. I suddenly feel so nervous. He is too close and I can feel his warm breath. My heart is racing so fast.

"Do you want to know me better? Why?" His voice is getting soft. It is not so fierce like before. So soft like he sounds so happy about the words I said before. Like he is expecting something in my answer.

"Because we are on same team?"

"I never told anyone on team, so why I have to tell you? What make you special?"

Grinding Spike [ 5 to 13 ] -- DISCONTINUEDHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin