[30] Someone Like You

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Than POV


He still closes his eyes but I don't know if hr is sleeping or not. And I can't stop take a peak over him. I guess he feels it.

"Stop looking at me like that" He gets up and looks at me. Through to my eyes. It makes me nervous. Everytime he looks at me in the eyes makes me feel so nervous. I don't know if my heart is beating so fast or it skips the beat. I need to find an excuse so I can see to another way, not to his eyes.

"P' when you gave Bomb and Oh advices, how do you know about it?" He straightes his sit. Not looking at my eyes anymore. Fiuh... Finally I can breath.

"Jern was told me the same thing before"

"I didn't know that you care about others too. I've never seen before"

"Why? Is it weird?"

"Yeah, it is weird for someone like you but I kinda like it. The new side of you" I look straight to the dark night, "But I feel jealous too because you are never being nice to me"

"Why you jealous if you are the one who is so close to me?"

Hearing that words comes from his mouth is like a melody to me. It is so nice and so catchy. I want to hear it once again. And that words makes me smile ear to ear.

"You are smiling like an idiot!" He says, "Come on. The laundry is done"

I take the basket that P'Leng's mother gives to me and follow him back to his motorcycle. Still, I am smiling and can't stop smiling. His words keep playing in my head. I keep hear that words in my ears. So nice.

"I have bought soy milk for others. They have been worked hard, so I want to treat them"

"Look P, you are being so mellow again. I don't know if stern P'Puen can be so nice like this. Are you sure you are P'Puen not a spirit?"

You know, you wish you won't say anything that can make a bad thing to you. And so do I. I wish I didn't say something like this. I kinda regret it because it makes P'Puen angry.

He starts his motorcycle and rushes the bike instantaneously. It makes me fly a bit from the saddle and nearly fall down.

"P', you nearly make me fly and fall down!"

"If you don't want to fall, hold me tight!"

Did I hear it right? He told me to hold him tight. I am not wrong, right?

I am pausing because I am too surprise to absorb what he said, so I don't move. Just stay still. I can feel someone takes my hand. He takes my hand and places it around his hip.

"Hold me!"


We are arriving at the food stall nearby. P'Puen goes to take the order while I am waiting him on his motorbike. I am busy with my phone when someone taps my shoulder. I turn around and see some of girls stand beside me.

"You are Than, right?" I nod but I still confuse how this girl knows me, "We have met before at here. Remember?"

I try to call my memory about them. It is hard but finally I recognise her face. They are those girls who I met in this food stall at that night when P'Puen treated me late night dinner. Well, I begged him to do it.

We are talking random things. They are our team fans. They tell me if they will come to our match to support us. It is a good thing to know if we have people who support us. It makes me happy. They leave after promise me to come to our nect match.

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