You Two Play Call of Duty Ghost

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This was requested by @Smoothcrimmaildab enjoy!❣️

Since it came out Michael has been wanting to play Call Of Duty Ghost and he wanted you to play with him and you agreed to play with him.

Before playing you let him know that you were a little competitive but that didn't bother him cause he was also competitive you two played for hours you two ate and played and some times you two took breaks to use the bathroom.

You: This game is so fun

Michael: Yeah it is

But then it hit you his family was coming over and you two had to stop to get everything ready for their visit so you paused the game and when you did Michael looked upset.

You: Don't worry we'll continue playing later but we have to get ready for everyone's visit so if you help me we can play for 2 more hours before we go to bed.

Michael: Ok

So he helps you get everything ready and then a few minutes later everyone showed up and you let them in and you all talked and mingled and got caught up with each other.

A few hours later everyone left and then after getting everything cleaned up you and Michael continued playing Call Of Duty Ghost until you two got tired and decided to go to bed.

Alright you guys that's it i hoped you guys enjoyed this and if you guys did then you guys know what to do vote and comment and i'll see you guys next time ✌🏽

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