You Cheat on Michael Part 2

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Requested by NeeshaMitchell0 this the 2nd part to you cheat on Michael enjoy!☺️.

Since Michael found out that you have been cheating on him he rarely spoke to you the only times he would was to say hi or good morning or how was your day or something like that you felt awful for what you did to him he didn't deserve this he's so sweet and kind and you felt so cruel to have done this to him.

You were eating dinner when Michael came downstairs you saw him and tried to make conversation with him again.

You: Hey Mike

Michael... hey

You: So um.. want me to make you something

Michael.. no thanks

You: *sighs* Mike can we talk like for real? Please sit down. Please?

He sighs and then reluctantly sits down.

Michael: ... So...

You: Look I know what I did and i feel so awful and terrible i'm so sorry!! I never meant to hurt you it was just in the heat in the moment an accident I still love you and I always will you're the love if my life so I'm wondering can you please forgive me so we can go back to how our lives were before this happened please?????😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔💔💔💔💔

Michael was thinking about what you said and thinking of an answer and then he finally thought of one.

Michael: You gotta promise me something first

You: Sure anything what is it?

Michael: You gotta promise me you'll never do this again cause if you do we're done for good ok?

You: I promise I'll never ever do that to you again I promise!!!! I love you so much!!! So do you forgive me?

Michael: Yea I forgive you!!!!!

You: Yea Thank You Michael You won't regret this.

Michael: I hope not.

You two kiss and make up and then spend of the rest of the day watching movies you were so glad Michael forgave you now you had your husband back!! and you couldn't be happier and also from then on you kept your promise to Michael and never cheated on him again and Michael was happy about that and so were you.

Alright you guys that's it i hoped you guys enjoyed this and if you guys did then you guys know what to do vote and comment and i'll see you guys next time✌🏽

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