Alternate World

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This is for queenkenya Enjoy!

Once you woke up you saw Michael asleep looking adorable he's so cute you thought you were also thinking how it would be if you never meet him you then went to your closet to pick out your clothes but once you went in that closet things changed.

You went in and your closet looked different real different you came out everything looked the same but it all looked different you came out with clothes in your hands and went to get dressed once you were dressed you went back to your room and saw that Michael wasn't in your room.

Kenya: Where is he???? MICHAEL??!MICHAEL!!??? MICHAEL??!!???

Your mom: Honey what are you screaming for???

Kenya: Mom do you where Michael meant??

Your mom: Who's Michael??

Kenya: Funny Ma seriously where is he???

Your mom: Who's Michael????

Kenya: Never mind I'll go find him

You leave the house to go fund Michael when you get to the park you two usually go to you smile once you see him hanging with his friends you run up to him happy.

Kenya: MICHAEL!!!!! Michael!!!!

He turns to you confused.

Kenya: Mike! Hey!! Why'd you leave my house??? Without a bye or see ya later?

Michael: What are you talking about??? I wasn't at your house??

Kenya: Yes you were!!!!!! Stop playing!!!

Michael: Look I don't what kind of game you're playing but I don't know you!!

Kenya: Yes you do we've been waiting for two months!!!

Michael: Look I'll admit your very pretty and I would be interested in dating in you but right now i'm not so...

Kenya: *gasps*

You can't believe he doesn't recognize you you're own boyfriend doesn't recognize you!!!!

You left upset and went back home.

For the next few weeks Michael still didn't know you but was trying to impress you by giving you flowers and other gifts you were flattered but you wish he could he just remember you.

You wish you knew what could have known what could have happened that caused your whole world to change you think about it and then you remember your closet you went through your closet and then everything was different Michael didn't know who you were your mom didn't know who he was!!! You had to go back through your closet and go home.

You ran home and went to your room and once you was in front of your closet you took a deep breath and went in and you came out and you were back in your room but to make sure it's the actual you left the first time you looked at your bed and saw Michael still asleep you smiled apparently it passed a few weeks in the other world but not in your world.

You went over to your bed and smiled at Michael and snuggled up to him he felt you and smiled and held your hand still asleep and you went to sleep.

You can't believe you went to another world it was so weird but interesting but you were glad you were back in your world and at home with your Michael that remembers you.

Alright you guys that's it i hoped you guys enjoyed this I got this idea from the The adventures of Tip&Oh the tv series based off of the home series anyways if you guys did enjoy this then you guys know what to do vote and comment and i'll see you guys next time ✌🏽

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