The Way You Make Me Feel

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This is for NeeshaMitchell1 Enjoy!

Michael was knows as a player always dating girls only for a week he started doing when he saw some guys one day he saw how cool they looked and wanted to be like them so he faked being like them but then over the years the lie became real he became more and more unlike himself.

One day he saw you walking down the street he thought you were gorgeous so he approached you.

Michael: Hey beautiful
You: Uh.. hi
Michael: So whats a beautiful girl like you doing out here
You: I'm just heading home
Michael: So you wanna hang out. Go to dinner and then my place
You: Sorry I don't like this players

You leave and he's stunned usually girls wouldn't pass up an opportunity to hang out with him you were the first girl to actually to say no to him and he couldn't believe it.

He wanted to impress you so he did whatever he took but whatever he did you weren't cause like you said you don't like players you just feel like they don't really care about the girls that they're with.

Michael knew that in order to be with you he had to change and to be honest he didn't like being a player he hated but he had to be it because that was his "reputation" so he decided to be the kind sweet guy he is but fake it in public.

He saw you again and when to approach you.

Michael: Hey

Neesha: Heyy

Michael: Look I'm sorry that i've been acting like player its not me i just did so that so i can look cool its not me and I don't wanna do it anymore.

Neesha: Ok.

Michael: Yea.

You two talk and you guys have fun hanging out and you realize that he's not so bad after all he's actually a nice sweet soon guy you two start to date.

Michael liked being himself around you but he knew eventually he would have to tell everyone else the truth soon.

Alright you guys that's it i hoped you guys enjoyed this and let me know Should Michael tell everyone the truth that he's not a player anymore or keep it between you and him let me know in the comments. But yea if you guys enjoyed this then you guys know what to do vote and comment and i'll see you guys next time ✌🏽

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