Chapter One - Detention

Start from the beginning

From 4pm-6pm I was trapped in this school I had already spent 6 hours at, not ideal but my mother's words go famous: 'Do the crime you do the time.'

That's what they all say. 

As I travelled past the receptionist, I heard her gave a disrespectful tut as she scanned through her papers. I frowned at the gesture as I approached her desk, "Do you know where they're holding detention?" I questioned tilting my head to a side. 

She nodded, she tilted her head to the left, "It's over there, you're the 13th delinquent in here." she hissed, I rolled my eyes softly as I walked my way to the closest room where the fellow students were located. 

As I closed the door, twelve eyes gazed upon me. I gulped nervously, clutching onto my bag tightly, dreading being here by the second. 

"Ah, you must be Blair, correct?" the teacher asked me. He was around middle aged and wearing the sports outfit that was needed for policy reasons. This obviously hinted he was a sports teacher. 

I nodded my head, clutching onto my bag even tightly, my short nails digging into the leather of my bag strap. 

"Please, take that seat over there." he said, pointing towards a seat in the back corner that was next to some mystery guy I've never seen before. 

He had light brunette hair and intense dark eyes, he dressed in a white shirt and his tattoo on his right arm was visible, he wore dark blue jeans with a black belt. 

I sat nervously beside him, the height difference was obviously noticeable and he kind of scared me a little. I scooted my chair closer to the edge of the desk because he seemed like the type to have a large amount of space. 

Sighing, I grabbed my notebook out as well as a pencil. I most likely wasn't going to do any work that involved writing since I found myself wanting to draw a lot more recently, so I would always bring out a pencil so it was easily removable. 

"Alright," the teacher called out, which caught the thirteen of us attention, he traced his steps around the room, staring at one of us as he passed, "You're all in here for a reason, but to be quite frank, I don't care what that reason is." he stated out loud. 

"Wow, okay then." Bronwyn muttered as she adjusted to her seat and pushed up her glasses. Her brunette hair fell partly in front of her face, just covering one eye. 

"All I would like you to do, is write an essay about what you did and why you think it was wrong." he explained, writing the exact words he said down onto the chalk board. 

Shannon whined as she sank further into her seat, she quickly slid back up so she sat up normally then quickly switched her position so that she was sitting on her feet. 

"I'll come back at 6pm to check your progress before you leave, my office is next door so if you need anything you can come and get me." he said before marching his way out, closing the door behind him.

I sighed, pushing my paper back away from me, and rested my chin up against my knuckles. 

"Hey Levi! Catch!" I heard Mason call out. 

Mason was the most popular guy in the school. He most likely ticked every girls and even guy's boxes for the ideal date. He was strong, confident, sporty, the captain of the basket ball team, had an award-winning smile. Any girl would fall for him within a heart beat. 

The ball he chucked over travelled to the back of the class near me and the guy who was beside me caught it. Putting two and two together, it's safe to say the guy beside me is called Levi. The aura created around this guy shows that he's rather tough and won't let anyone say anything about him. 

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