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Primrose's POV.

To me, it's always the smile that'll either get you far, or brake you. The art of a simple smile can get you pretty much anything from a big tip, to a husband.

Working as a waitress, smiling is 50% of my job. The other 50%, remembering.

Smiling is great... if you have a reason, that is.

That's why I find my life so extremely hard; I have no reason.

As the days, months, and years have passed I have come to realize why I hate my job so much, there is no reason to not hate it.

And so that is where I came up with the genius invention of fake smiling.

Now, you're probably wondering why I'm mindlessly rambling on, and on about smiling.

My answer is because that's where it starts.

A smile.



Thank you for deciding to read this, I really like it and I hope you do too:)

And if you read Im a Good Girl and I Do thank you for reading this also because I love you and you're awesome!

I can't wait to continue writing and posting this its gunna be great!


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