delirious-ness and joke-cracking

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hey guys its weekly chris and i- 

im out of chocolate milk dammit 

(being srs im pissed now)


"Mom?  No!  Let me through, I work here!  My mom's in there!" She tried to move through the policemen, but they wouldn't move.

douches they were.

"Come on man, let us through.  Well, her, at least." Calum said.

The policemen looked them both up and down, unsure, until he heard Beths' mom calling her.

"Beth!" She came running through the shop, turning around the corners to get to her daughter.  Oh, and Calum.

"Mom." She breathed a sigh of relief, seeing it looked that her mother was alright.  She shoved through the policemen, with Calum trailing behind her.  She ran up to hug her mom while Calum looked around and noticed broken things.

All of the tables and chairs had damage.  There were chair legs everywhere and tables were either split or cracked.  He saw that the register had been smashed, but luckily, they don't keep all of their cash there.  There was spray paint covering the once beautiful designed walls, and mud all over the floor.  He walked closer to the walls and looked at all the smashed picture frames, that once had lovely family photos in them.  He saw a picture of what looked like to be Beth and Elliot when they were younger.  He furrowed his eyebrows when he noticed Elliots face in the picture had been scratched out by a marker.  

Beth on the other side of the shop, talking to her mother, was in pure shock.  

"I locked up and went home hours ago, but I had to fill out everyone's paychecks, and I had left my checkbook at the shop, in the safe, and I came back, and it had been broken in to.  I called your father, you, and Elliot." 

As soon as she finished saying that she had also called Elliot, they both heard the door swing open, revealing a tall, bulky, out of breath Elliot Bradley.  He tried to move through all the policemen, but had problems like Beth and Calum did.  Elliot shoved his keys in his pocket and took a deep breath.

"Arlight, you're gonna have to move out of my way.  I don't have time for this, right now." He said, having one hand on his hip.  

The sass was real.  It was so real, that Beth and Mrs. Bradley cracked a smile at it.  However, the policemen weren't having it.

"Sir, you can't come back here." 

Elliot groaned and stomped his feet.  "Come on, man!  That's my mother and sister and her boyfriend, for the love of the lord!  I used to bake here all the time for crying out loud." 

"Used to?" The policemen raised his eyebrow in suspicion.

"That's what I said." 

"No need for that to-" 

"I'm in the army.  I was deployed.  I've been gone, obviously.  So at the moment, I haven't been here, making cakes.  Now, please let me the hell by to see if my family's alright." He said, shoving by.


"Did you get the security camera on his ass?" Elliots deep voice fired out.

Mrs. Bradley smacked him on the head.  "I did, but the person has a mask on." 

"Well?  Lets get it rollin.  I wanna find out who did this, so I can show him how we train.  Army style." 

While Elliot was trying to crack jokes and make his family laugh, Calum was actually wondering if his babygirl was alright.  He was watching her, and she could feel it.  He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and squeezed it gently.  She turned to look at him and they gave each other a small smile.  He was asking her silently if she was alright.  She looked at him and hesitated.  She shrugged her shoulders a little and layed her head on his shoulder, exhaustion taking over.  He rubbed up and down her arms, seeing she was cold and had goosebumps.  The sleeping dog in her lap was helping her coldness.  

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