gr8 mothafuckin news

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as you can ALL see the title of this lovely announcement or whatever you call it, i have some GR8 MOTHAFUCKIN NEWS!!!!! 

Selfie has reached 2 MILLION READS.  By the way, I bolded Selfie for all of you fucking haters and rude people out there who say it's annoying :) let it annoy you  more ;-) catch my shade 

anywho, if you haven't noticed, I recently started writing again after a long hiatus and it would mean donuts and cupcakes to me if you would go check out "Sightless." 

No it's not a fanfic, but do not get your panties in a twist!!! it's still that good lovin romance my friends.  It's a little over 200 reads till 1000 and that goes out to ALL of you.  

I wouldn't be here without you all!  Even you mean ones who yell at me because I chose Michael to be Beths tutor instead of Luke (ugh), or the ones who tell me my writing in italics, bolding, or third person is annoying, or can't take a joke.  

Even though that ticks me to the max, I still love u. 

Hands down, you are all the best readers out there.  I'll say this just like I said it more than a year ago:  Stay strong.  You are MORE than worth it.  I'm so amazed at the amount of messages I've gotten from you all who need someone to talk to.  That still goes!  I'm always here and I ALWAYS reply to you.  If you need to rant, vent, or just want to talk, I'm a message away.  You're all beautiful and don't argue with me on that. 

So this is all of it, but basically thank you.  Go check out sightless:))) Just go to my page and there it is.

Peace, luv, and Calvin the Asian One. 


selfie || calum hoodWhere stories live. Discover now