no selfie but a buttdial?

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"Who the hell is 'squishy'?" 

Beth was frozen in her spot, trying to think of something, fast.  

"Well, who is he?" Tyler said, getting more pissed than he already was.

"He's my friend." Beth said, yanking her phone out of Tylers hands.

"Why haven't I heard of him?" Tyler said, not believing Beth.

"He's from America.  We used to be really close before I moved and we reconnected, recently." Beth said, lying smoothly through her teeth.

"What's his name?" Tyler said.

Crap, Beth thought.  


"Will what?"

"What are you gonna do, stalk him?" Beth sighed, folding her arms.

"What's his last name?" Tyler said, completely ignoring Beths question.


"Will Smith?" Tyler sneered.


"Oh come on.  You know you can do better than that.  Will Smith?  Seriously?" Tyler said, moving closer to her.

"Last time I checked, Smith was a common last name.  Pretty sure that Will Smith's a common name."

"Since you've been talking to another guy, I guess I've gotta come clean.  Torie and I?  Yeah, we had sex.  I cheated on you.  I was drunk, but I don't regret it." Tyler yelled, fuming.

"Get the hell out." Beth said, fuming.

"No, I'm not do-"

"Get out of here before I pepper spray the shit out of your damn face." Beth yelled, picking up her pepper spray.

Tyler looked at Beth and the pepper spray, back and forth.

"You won't, you can't hurt a fly." Tyler sneered.

They were both yelling so loud that Chester came in the room, barking and growling at Tyler.

"You sure about that?" Beth said, opening a drawer and picking up a tazer.

"Why the hell do you have a tazer?" Tyler said, freaking out, somewhat.

"My mother used to be a cop, before we moved here.  Now, like I said, get the hell out of my apartment." Beth growled.

"Bitch.  You're such a bitch." Tyler said.

Beth didn't reply to him, but she turned on the tazer, only to scare him.  He went wide eyed and went towards the door.  Beth moved closer to him, scaring him.  He ran out the door, cussing.  Beth slammed the door and put her tazer away.  She pulled out a bag of chips and sat on the couch.


It had been about five minutes since Tyler the douche left.  Beth was eating chips and petting Chester when there was another knock on the door.  Beth groaned and walked to the door, pulling it open.

"I will go get my damn tazer if-" 

"Cupcake girl?" 


Beth frosted the last cupcake, putting it on a plate and bringing it to the living room to Niall.  Apparently they were neighbors.  Niall heard yelling two doors down and being Niall, felt the need to see what was going on.  Beth explained to Niall what happened and he ended up laughing.  He thought that the whole tazer thing was hilarious.  Beth found cupcake mix and decided she would make some, seeing that Niall called her 'cupcake girl' and that she had a sweetooth as well.

selfie || calum hoodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora