baby and fancy dates

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"If you love me let me gooooooo." Beth sang in the shower.  She had that song stuck in her head.  It was just her in there, the guys had to go to a radio interview, then another interview, so it was just mainly her today.

As soon as she got up this morning, she heard hoots and hollers about her hickey, but soon Calum got the same thing.  Beth blushed thinking about it.  


"We should probably go to sleep."

"But I like what we're doing, now." 

Beth smiled and laid her head on his chest, towards the crook of his neck.

"Yeah, I like it too, but you have interviews tomorrow and you don't need to be tired for that." 

Calum frowned, rubbing circles in her back. "I feel bad that we have to leave you." 

"It's alright.  I could get some college stuff done." She said.

"I guess.  Sorry, baby." 

Beth sat up, looking at him, smiling. "What?" He asked.

"That's the first time you've called me baby." She said, poking his cheeks.

Calum smiled and looked down. "It is, isn't it?" 

"Yeah.  Keep calling me that." 

"Alright, baby." 

"Go to sleep, Calum." She laughed.

"Okay.  Goodnight, baby." 

"Goodnight, baby." 


She started to sing more of the song.  She had her music on shuffle, this one happening to play.  She talked to her mom this morning, letting her know that she was now off the single market.  Tomorrow's her last day on the bus, which is sad.  She's having so much fun.  She's excited for tomorrow, mainly, because she gets to surprise an Irish Niall who doesn't know she's coming.  She had the perfect plan, actually. 


"I don't want to just walk in and be like 'surprise bitch, bet you thought you've seen the last of me.'" Beth said, laughing.

The guys laughed, agreeing. They were trying to decided a way to surprise Niall before they all left for their interviews. 

"How about I make mini cupcakes and do my thing with them.  Then, when he's coming, I should make a trail of cupcakes and he'll follow them.  Ya know, like a dog does." 

"That's actually a good idea." Michael said.

"Yeah.  He lives for your cupcakes." Luke said.

"Well, have you ate them?!  They're wonderful." Calum said.

"Guys, it's time to go.  Calum, you might wanna put on a hoody or something to cover up your hickey." Ashton said, giving a 'shame on you' look to Beth, making her smile sheepishly.

"Right." Calum laughed, walking to the bunks.  He walked back to the front, leaving the bus.  He was about to hit the last step before he stopped and turned around. "Hold on, I forgot something." 

Beth furrowed her eyes as he walked back on the bus, walking right towards her.  He brought his lips to hers softly, pulling away slowly, barely giving Beth the time to react.

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