last make outs and flights

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double update bc no update tomorrow 


"I have to leave tomorrow." 

"I know." 

"It sucks." 

"It does, very much." 

They were both exhausted.  Calum just got done performing with the guys, letting One Direction take control.  They didn't talk much, knowing she had to leave in the morning.  They were laying together on the couch, snuggled up together.

"You might wanna stay off twitter for a couple of days." He said.

"How come?" She said softly.

"The fans have just found out that you're mine.  I'm sure they're wreaking havoc right now.  You'll probably have some nasty comments and I don't want you to see that." 

Beth frowned and nodded.

"Not all are nasty comments.  Just some.  Most are nice-ish, but some are mean." 

Beth nodded once more, thinking.

"Why do they feel the need to send hate like that?" She whispered.

Calum looked at her and shrugged.  "I guess they just feel like I'm gonna get a bitch girlfriend and she'll take me away from them." 

Beth flinched at his comment and nodded, taking it all in.  Calum noticed he screwed up a little bit with his words and quickly changed them. 

"You're obviously not a bitch, babe.  They just immediately see you and think 'i don't even know her and i hate her.'" 

She flinched again, his words not helping. 

"Dammit, I'm horrible at this." He said, sitting up a little.

She laughed a little and shrugged her shoulders.  "It's alright, Cal.  If I was so dedicated like they all are, I'd be pretty upset too." 

Calum smiled and squeezed her hand.  They both knew they were feeling like shit, since she was about to leave. 

"I hate how quiet and upset we are right now." He said, looking at the ceiling. 

"Me too." She whispered.

"I like you a lot, ya know." He said, playing with her hair.  She smiled at his comment and looked up at him, meeting his eyes.

"I like you a lot, too." 


"As much as I love being with you people on the tour bus, I'm very excited to have a hotel tonight." Ashton said.

They all mumbled in agreement.  They came in the hotel through the back, for Beths' sake.  Beth didn't mind, but Calum was afraid for her.  They promised to go out and meet fans before they left the hotel.  

"Alright, we have a two bed room and a one bed suite." Paul said, tossing the guys their keys.  One Direction was staying at the same hotel, so that's why it was Paul handing the keys.  

"I presume Calissabeth will take the one bedroom suite?" Michael asked, eyeing the both of them.

They all seemed to be looking elsewhere, thinking about different things.  Calum grabbed the key and nodded.

"Why the hell are they Calissabeth?  I liked Balum." Luke snapped.

Michael looked at him with a 'im not dealing with you right now' look and opened his mouth.

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