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*mic check* is this thing on 

is it cause all i hear is pandora playing in the background ha ha ha oh man im nervous 

hi everyone :-) i've got no earthly idea if you remember me.  it's definitely been a while since Selfie ended.  nearly a year if you've been wondering. 

what have you all been up to?  school killing you all like its killed me? enjoying your break? loving life? hating it? tell me :-) 

as for myself, it's a rainy Sunday afternoon and i've just got done cleaning out my closest.  i just had Christmas and i got some clothes and a new camera!!! what did you guys get? 

some of you may remember my name, some may not.  So, my name is Raegan.  I am 16 years old, 17 in less then 6 months.  im a junior in highschool, yikes. 

stuff about me? im obsessed with taking pictures of  nature, i have blonde hair, green eyes, a boyfran named ethan and i luv him.

i don't always get on wattpad, but when i do, i always respond to your sweet messages.  it means so much to me. hearing that you guys want advice, help on how to write, or just want to vent just makes me super happy inside and out. 

if you're knew here, you need to know that im here no matter what and im always a message away. :) 

a couple weeks ago i was having some rough times honestly.  i was beating myself up, insulting myself, wearing down my self-esteem, and wasting any self-confidence i had.  it put me in a bad spot for a week or two.  i took a depression test online, and i got a very high score saying i need to go see a therapist. like hell i was gonna do that.  i didn't want to bother anyone with my problems, but you always need to talk to someone about it.  for myself, i let ethan and a friend know how i had been feeling. i got everything off of my chest, and honestly, i've never felt better. i love my life and everything about it! 

please, if you're in a tight spot in your life, please tell someone you know you can count on.  someone who will always be there for you no matter what.  if you feel like you don't have someone like that, im nothing but a message away.  don't you dare beat yourself up or think you're not worth it because i promise you, you are worth everything. love yourself <3 

if you'd like to get in contact with me, shoot a message on here

remember, im always here for you. you're beautiful! 

xoxo raegan 

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