lunah and sleepless nights

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Beth woke up, not being able to fall back asleep.  She looked up at Calum, who was peacefully sleeping.  He had his arms wrapped around her and his legs wrapped around her.  She struggled to get out of his grip without waking him up, but succeeded.  She hopped out of the bunk, careful not to wake anyone.  She looked at the time and rubbed her eyes.


She yawned and walk to the back of the bus, where the TV and big couch was.  She walked in, but stopped when she saw Luke in there, fully awake.  He was laughing about something on his phone and she could see out of the corner of her eye that he was, in fact, on twitter.  She walked in a little more to make her presence noticed.

"Why are you up?" 

"I could ask you the same thing." 

"I'm not tired.  I'm not jet-lagged, anymore." 

"Well, I'm not tired, either." Luke said.

"I would think you'd be tired of at least your phone, since every time I see you, you're on it, smiling and laughing." 

He snapped his head at her, looking at her skeptically.

"It's not every time." 

"Whose the girl?" She smiled.

Luke looked everywhere in the room besides Beth and blushed. "There's no girl."

"Then is there a guy?"

"Oh, no, okay, fine, it's a girl." He sighed, defeated.

"What's her name?" 


Beth looked up at him with shock on her face.  "Hannah from my plane ride?" 

He looked at Beth sheepishly. "Err, maybe?" 

"How'd you start talking to her?" 

"I DM'd her on twitter." He said, proud. 

"What a move." 

"Hey, you shouldn't be saying anything.  I mean, you were sending selfies to a stranger." 

Beth laughed. "I didn't say it was a bad move.  Maybe it's a tradition for this band.  Get girls in a peculiar way.  Calum got me with selfies, while you're currently getting Hannah with DM's." 

Luke smiled and thought about it.  "I guess you're right.  Maybe Mike and Ash will have something like that, too.  That'd be funny.  Hannah's great." 

"What do you know about her?" 

"Well, it took her a little to open up, since she was freaking out and stuff.  So far, though, I've learned that she lives in New Jersey, although she's not from there.  She was at the VMA's, so that's why she was apparently in the taxi with you.  Oh, and her favorite show is Friends." 

"I like her already." 

"I thought you already liked her from the plane?" 

"Well, this just means I like her more, now." 

"You're a weird one, Beth." Luke sighed, before tossing her a bag of chips.

"Aren't we all?" 


Beth climbed back into the bunk, as quiet as she could.  It was quite hard climbing into the middle bunk at four in the morning.  It's pure dark, and she could fall any second.  She finally got her foot up on the middle and climbed, not making a sound.  She was getting her other foot in, when it got caught on something hanging from Ashtons' bunk.  She could already feel the fall coming and braced herself.  She shut her eyes, waiting for the impact, but it never came.  She felt a pair of strong arms and tired, but awake eyes.

selfie || calum hoodWhere stories live. Discover now